It has always been a problem to decide whether "popular music" is music which represents the people or is simply music that the people like. The same problem of (1) exists with jazz. So many different (2) of music have been called jazz at one time or another that it is hard to say what (3) it is. Jazz has always been considered tobe black music (4) when I first (5) an interest in it twenty years ago, I used to hear white (6) playing music that was like Louis Armstrong’s in the 1920s. I found out afterwards that they learnt to do this by playing Armstrong’s records over and over again until their style was close enough to his (7) for them to imitate him.
Since then white singers like Bob Dylan have rediscovered (8) own folk tradition, instead of (9) from black roots. But the main (10) since 1960 have been social and technical. One is that young people have more (11) to spend on records at an earlier age than they used to, so Tin Pan Alley, the ’
A. skill
B. spirit
C. pace
D. model
For one brief moment, after years of
fear and loathing, America seemed ready to make peace with the SAT. When the
University of California several years ago threatened to treat the test like a
bad batch of cafeteria food and tell applicants not to buy it, the College Board
junked the bewildering analogy questions (Warthogs are to pigs as politicians
are to what ), created a writing section (including producing an essay), added
tougher math questions and more reading analysis—and had everybody talking about
the new-and-improved SAT. Then the first students to take SAT: The Sequel were seen stumbling out of the testing centers as if they had just run a marathon, and all the happy talks ended. With the three hours and 45 minutes stretching to five hours with breaks and instructions, it got worse. Nobody i A. the SAT is undesirable. B. the SAT should be replaced. C. the SAT’s keepers are blamed. D. the SAT’s critics are praised. [填空题]物业服务中心在与外包单位签署绿化合同前,必须依据《公司住宅物业公共绿化养护质量指导标准》,结合项目实际,合理制定该项目的(),并作为绿化养护合同的附件。
A. 出血坏死型 B. 继发性腹膜炎 C. 并发胰腺脓肿 D. 并发胰腺蜂窝织炎 E. 以上均有可能 [简答题]1在低压用电设备上停电工作前,应------------,确保不误合。
[判断题]选择压力表时,其最大测量值应等于受压容器工作压力的3倍。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]皮肤假性淋巴瘤包括()
A. 淋巴细胞浸润症 B. 节肢动物咬伤和疥疮结节 C. 苯妥英钠药疹 D. 光线性类网织细胞增生症 E. 以上均是 [判断题]部分停电时,只有在安全措施可靠,人员集中在一个工作地点,不致误碰有电部分的情况下,工作负责人方可参加工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]带电机的设备,在电机通电前要检查电机的辅助设备和安装底座,接地等,正常后再通电使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在各种配送方式中,()配送时一种高水平的配送方式
A. 定时定量 B. 成套配套 C. 少品种,大批量 D. 多品种,少批量 [单项选择]患儿3岁,近1年多,哭甚时出现青紫,查体:心前区隆起,胸骨左缘第3-4肋间可闻及Ⅳ级收缩期杂音,可触及震颤,X线检查示:左右心室及左房增大,肺血管影增多,肺动脉段凸出。此患儿如决定手术必须做的检查是
A. 心电图 B. 磁共振成像 C. 心功能检查 D. 心导管检查 E. 超声心动图 [填空题]地面固定信号一般设于线路()侧。
A. 肌肉断裂 B. 骨折 C. 尿潴留 D. 持续的呼吸肌痉挛 E. 营养障碍 [单选题]进行互感器变比、极性测试,所使用的仪表的精确度等级应为(____)。
A.必须是0.5级 B.不低于0.5级 C.必须是0.2级 D.不低于0.2级 [多项选择]检查工作组应通过()等方式开展内控现场检查,发现存在的问题,
A. 查阅系统 B. 面谈 C. 调阅台账和档案 D. 实地调查 [判断题]被评价为“严重状态”的电缆线路应立即安排C类或B类检修。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交