Everything seemed to have become a
weapon of war. Our enemies had (1) the most familiar
objects (2) us, turned shaving kits into holsters and
airplanes (3) missiles and soccer coaches and newlyweds into
involuntary suicide bombers. So it was (4) the President and
his generals to plot the response. That is because we are (5) one enemy but two: one unseen, the other inside. Terror on this scale (6) to wreck the way we live our lives-make us flinch when a siren sounds, (7) when a door slams and think twice before deciding (8) we really have to take a plane. If we falter, they win, (9) they never plant another bomb. So after the early helplessness, what can I do I’ve already given blood-people started to realize that (10) they could do was exactly, as precisely as possible, A. thoughtless B. unthinkable C. thought D. thoughtful [单选题]猩红热患者应隔离到
A.体温正常 B.症状消失 C.青霉素治疗后10天 D.症状完全消失,咽拭子培养3次阴性后 [单项选择]在同一条件下60线/C、m比50线/C、m印刷时网点扩大如何。()
A. 多 B. 一样 C. 略少 D. 少 [判断题]绘制地形图时,地物符号分依比例符号 不依比例符号 半依比例符号和注记说明符号。该表述( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]刘某被公安机关处以罚款2000元的处罚,其要求听证,但委托他人参加听证,下列关于委托人的分析错误的是( )。
A.刘某委托他人代理, 需履行法定的委托手续 B.刘某可以委托三个代理人 C.代理人代理刘某参加听证,须有刘某的明确授权 D.刘某的代理人可以是其近亲属 [简答题]抽油机-抽油泵装置常规选择步骤是什么?
A.A.安规考试 B.B.安全知识培训 C.C.安全交底手续 D.D.口头许可 [多选题]带电作业时,对高于36V的电压不得同时接触( )部分。
A.导电 B.接地 C.熔断器 D.设备外壳 [判断题]电子支付的工作环境是基于一个开放的系统平台,即因特网之中;而传统支付则是在较为封闭的系统中运作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于《国家电网公司安全职责规范》中“四不放过”原则的是()。
A.事故原因未查清不放过 B.有关人员未受处理不放过 C.整改措施未落实不放过 D.责任人员未处理不放过 [单选题][单选题]隧道、桥梁应两侧敷设;与桥梁墩台接地装置连接的接地连接线应设置成无维修方式。上下行线路分线时,应( )敷设。
A. 分别 B. 扭绞 C. 对称 D. 平铺 我来回答: 提交