{{B}}A CHALLENGE TO TRADITIONAL BANKING{{/B}} Traditional methods of banking are under threat from a new type of account which is actually meant to be almost perpetually in debit. This account, to be{{U}} (21) {{/U}}in a few months’ time, is in- tended to{{U}} (22) {{/U}}a range of personal banking services, such as current sc. counts, mortgages, per- sop, al loans and credit cards. Customers, who must{{U}} (23) {{/U}}that they are at least five years from retirement, will be required to{{U}} (24) {{/U}}a mortgage of at least £ 50,000 on their homes and have their salaries paid directly into the account. They will t A. limit B. extent C. control D. barrier [单项选择]下面关于仰韶文化描述不正确的一项是:()
A. 东起山东 B. 北到河套内蒙古长城一线 C. 南抵青海 D. 以河南为中心 [单选题]确定取天文船位线要素时,首先求取近似世界时的目的是______。
A.用近似世界时确定准确世界时的日期以及是上午还是下午 B.用近似世界时确定查航海天文历的左页还是右页 C.用近似世界时校核天文钟钟差以及日差 D.用近似世界时查算天体位置 [单选题]用兆欧表遥测绝缘电阻时摇动转速为( )r/min。
A.380 B.120 C.220 D.50 [多项选择]在库存管理中,准时制库存的缺点主要有( )。
A. 仓储成本增加 B. 脱销风险增大 C. 需求不确定性增强 D. 环境问题加剧 E. 运输成本上升 [判断题]‡年,从科迪指标看,红河州处于工业化初期。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]运输系统主要有()系统。
A.运煤 B.运料 C.通风 D.供电 E.排矸 [单选题]2号线综合监控系统中进行用户、角色的维护以及用户权限的分配的工具是()?
A.A.brtools B.B.aormgr C.C.sysmgr D.D.spaint [填空题]每个牙齿的牙冠有5个面,分别为()()()()()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]砖墙结构上安装铝合金门窗时,可采用______连接。
A. 射钉 B. 连接件焊接 C. 预埋件 D. 金属膨胀螺栓 我来回答: 提交