The traditional American Thanksgiving
Day celebration (1) to 1621. (2) that
year a special least was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The
colonists who (3) there had left England because they felt
(4) of religious freedom. They came to the (5)
and faced difficulties in (6) the ocean. The ship
which (7) them was called Mayflower. The North Atlantic was
difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were (8) in
learning to live in the new earth by the Indians who (9) the
region. The puritans, (10) they were called, had much to be
thankful (11) Their religious practices were (12)
longer a source of criticism by the government. They learned to
(13) their farming habits to the climate and soil.
(14) they selected the fourth Thursday of A. didn’t settle B. were settled C. settle D. once settled [多项选择]下列宝石中哪些能出现蓝白色荧光?()
A. 热处理蓝宝石 B. 蓝色尖晶石 C. 萤石 D. 蓝色托帕石 [单选题]在线监测装置测量重复性的表示方法为:()
A.总烃结果的RSD B.氢气结果的RSD C.乙炔结果的RSD D.甲烷结果的RSD [单选题]特快货物班列最高运行速度160Km时列车紧急制动距离限值( )m
A.500 B.800 C.1100 D.1400m [单选题]加热炉空气预热器一般设置在加热炉的( )。
A. 辐射室 B. 对流室中部 C. 对流室顶部 D. 烟囱中部 [单选题]229.(83447)燃烧必须具备( )个条件。(1.0分)
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]《执业医师法》规定,医师因考核不合格被责令暂停执业活动,期满后再次考核仍不合格的,由县级以上卫生行政部门对其()。
A. 变更注册 B. 注销注册 C. 暂缓注册 D. 不予注册 [判断题]多线区间列车在不同线名间变更运行时,列车调度员应发布变更径路的调度命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]动火工作负责人应是具备检修工作负责人资格的人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]客户设备巡视时,特殊气候条件下,如雷雨、大雾、大风等天气时,现场检查人员应避免户外设备巡视工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]基本鞋、辅助鞋
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工业互联网概念最早于( )由通用电气公司提出,随后美国五家行业龙头企业联手组建了工业互联网联盟,并将这一概念推广。( )
A.2011年 B.2012年 C.2013年 D.2014年 [单选题]煤矿安全生产是指在煤矿生产活动过程中( )不受到危害,物(财产)不受到损失。
A.人的生命 B.人的生命与健康 C.人的健康 我来回答: 提交