The kids who grew up on" Star Trek" can’ t find (1) way around Earth.
Americans can (2) direct to England, but only half can find (3) on a map of Europe. They can fly almost (4) in the United States for a few hundred dollars, but they put New York State in 37 places on both coasts. When they look for the United States (5) , they (6) it in China, Australia, Brazil, Russia, India and Botswana.
For people who are supposed to be leaders of the (7) world, Americans are (8) dumb, according to a survey conducted for the National Geographic Society.
In many school (9) , geography has been mixed with history (10) melted down into social studies. Social studies has been processed into" teacher resource packages "and (11) of good writing, excitement, color and any ideas that aren’ t simplistic; too (12) and too deadening to hold students’ attentio
A. dreamed
B. Consisted
C. cheated
D. robbed
Some politicians are scurrying about
with much zest and anticipation. It is time, their polls inform them, to find
the quick fix for what they have determined is a society plagued by the
irregular heartbeat of deficient values. But there are contradictions that intrude on this denunciatory atmosphere. If there are moral omissions in the society, they cannot be sealed by instant, slenderly based attacks on entertainment. The plain fact is we are rearranging our priorities in the wrong way. We are today misplacing our energies and our funding by directing all sorts of incentives to high schools and colleges. That is too late. The moral scaffolding has been built by then, for better or for worse. How then to begin this revision of life conduct7 We must introduce in pre-school, and keep alive through grade five, a new schoo A. Home, school and church are responsible for education. B. Administrative and political measures are not the only way to solve social problems. C. Caution should be taken in making educational policies. D. Young children need moral instruction in school. [单选题]249. 249.列车的重量是指整个列车中不包括()在内的所有机车、车辆的自重和货物装载重量的总和。(C、2、Y)[04-00-04-02][030203]
A.附挂机车 B.补机 C.本务机车 D.回送机车 [多选题] 射水与输水器材是用于火灾扑救的专用装备。下列是常用的射水与输水器材的有( )
A. 直流水枪 B. 多功能消防水枪 C. 泡沫管枪 D. 灭火器 E. 水带附件 [单选题]一般而言,一所学校的人际关系状况、师生特有的心态与行为方式等属于 隐蔽课程。
A.制度性 B.观念性 C.物质性 D.心理性 [判断题]解救触电者首先是切断电源,对于伤势严重昏迷不醒的应设法送医院或等医生来救治()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]直埋光缆接头的防护过程中,余留盘的直径应( )。
A.大于2.5 m B.小于2.5 m C.大于1.5 m D.小于1.5m [判断题]单开道岔是主线为直线,侧线向主线的左侧或右侧分支的道岔。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]室内(),应设有明显标志的永久性隔离挡板(护网)。
A.母线分段部分 B.母线交叉部分 C.母线平行部分 D.部分停电检修易误碰有电设备的 [简答题]定量不稳的原因及处理方法有哪些?
A. 卵巢的生发上皮,向输卵管上皮分化 B. 卵巢的生发上皮,向宫颈粘膜分化 C. 卵巢的生发上皮,恶变 D. 卵巢的生发上皮,发生逆转现象 E. 卵巢的生发上皮,向子宫内膜分化 [多选题]采掘工作面或其他地点发现有透水预兆时.应( )撤出所有受水威胁地点的人员。
A.立即停止作业 B. 采取措施 C.立即报告矿调度室 D.发出警报 [单选题]卧式容器最常用的支座是( )。
A.支承式支座 B. 腿式支座 C. 鞍式支座 D. 裙式 [单项选择]“备份”工具可以用来()
A. 加锁数据 B. 保护数据 C. 压缩数据 D. 还原数据 [判断题]线路中断,鲜活包裹在中途站变卖处理后,发站凭记录和单据填写“退款证明书”退还已收运费与发站至处理站间运费差额和物品处理所得款。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 无锡地铁电客车新轮状态下,列车底板面车体高度为
。 [单选题]( )是指衡量抗震设防要求高低的尺度,由抗震设防烈度或设计地震动参数以及建筑抗震设防类别确定。
A.震级 B.震中距 C.震源深度 D.抗震设防标准 [填空题]岩石由于形成条件不同,可分为(),()和()三大类。
[单选题]班级建设的设计者是( )。
A.校长 B.教导主任 C.政教主任 D.班主任 [单选题]YZ-1型制动机109分配阀具有()作用位置。
A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 [单项选择]安全扫描可以()。
A. 弥补由于认证机制薄弱带来的问题 B. 弥补由于协议本身而产生的问题 C. 弥补防火墙对内网安全威胁检测不足的问题 D. 扫描检测所有的数据包攻击,分析所有的数据流 [单选题]关于血细胞,下列描述错误的是:
A.淋巴细胞具有重要的免疫功能 B.血小板在凝血和止血过程中起重要的作用 C.中性粒细胞主要功能为携带氧 D.白细胞主要有淋巴、单核和多形核细胞三类 [判断题]一般情况下不允许用闸刀进行合环和解环操作,特殊情况需用闸刀进行解、合环操作,应先经过计算或试验,并经公司总工程师批准。
[判断题]( )370,BF003软关井是指先开通节流管汇,再关封井器,再关节流管汇的关井方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]项目实施策划是把( )付诸实施,形成具有可行性、可操作性和指导性的方案。
A. 经营决策 B. 项目决策 C. 运营决策 D. 组织决策 [判断题]当O2/N2<0.3时一般认为是出现了氧被极度消耗的迹象。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“短期借款”账户,2月末余额300000元,2月份借方发生额为360000元,贷方发生额为140000元,则该账户2月月初余额为( )。
A. 100000元 B. 80000元 C. 520000元 D. 300000元 我来回答: 提交