The term "disruptive technology" is
popular, but is widely misused. It refers not simply to a clever new technology,
hut to one that undermines an existing technology--and which therefore makes
life very difficult for the many businesses which depend on the existing way of
doing things. Twenty years ago, the personal computer was a classic example. It
swept aside an older mainframe-based style of computing, and eventually brought
IBM, one of the world’s mightiest firms at the time, to its knees. This week has
been a coming-out party of sorts for another disruptive technology, "voice over
internet protocol" (VOIP), which promises to be even more disruptive, and of
even greater benefit to consumers, than personal computers. VOIP’s leading proponent is Skype, a small firm whose software allows people to make free calls to other Skype us A. Almost-free internet phone calls herald the slow death of traditional telephony. B. Another data service was delivered entirely over the internet. C. The traditional telephone business have yet to turn a profit. D. The dramatic shift in the te[ecoms industry has received little attention. [判断题]判断题:国家制图标准规定,图纸大小可以随意确定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]申请入党时一般应采用( )。
A.口头形式 B.书面形式 C.口头形式、书面形式均可 D.由介绍人提出 [单项选择]患儿35周早产,胎膜早破2天,出生后查体见脊柱裂,前囟饱满,颅缝宽,易激惹,脑脊液提示白细胞数为100×109/L,蛋白为4.0g/L,血培养两份回报提示大肠杆菌。该患儿抗生素治疗的疗程为()
A. 临床症状消失 B. 体温恢复正常,并持续3~5天 C. 脑脊液常规、生化及培养正常 D. 血常规及血培养基本正常 E. 抗生素治疗时间需延长至4周或更长 [判断题]义务人在诉讼时效届满之后自愿向权利人履行义务的,权利人仍然有权接受,不受诉讼时效限制。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列( )表示110KV母线电流差动保护A相电流公共回路。
A.310 B.320 C.330 [单选题]导致烧曲现象的原因是( )。
A.PH值偏大 B.踩曲太紧 C.水分过少 D.碳源过剩 [不定项选择题]A.前期牙本质
A.髓周牙本质 B.继发性牙本质 C.原发性牙本质 D.小球间牙本质 E.牙齿发育过程中所形成的牙本质是 [单选题]单机挂车时,不准挂( )、超限货物的车辆。
A.装载爆炸品 B.压缩气体 C.危险品 D.气体类危险货物 [多选题]WorldFIP通讯的传输特点(_)。
A.数据可以在恶劣的工业现场高速长距离传输 B.具有良好的抗电磁干扰性能 C.适合变电站电磁干扰强的工业环境 D.具有良好的灵活性和扩展能力 E.略 F.略 [填空题]属于切削车床的安全装置的是:防护罩( )保险装置,制动装置。
[多项选择]下列各项行为可以免征土地增值税的有( )。
A. 企业与企业之间的房地产交换 B. 企业以房地产对外投资 C. 在兼并过程中被兼并企业的房地产转让到兼并企业 D. 因国家收回国有土地使用权而使房地产权属发生转让 [单项选择]直肠癌最主要的转移途径
A. 淋巴转移 B. 肠腔内种植转移 C. 腹腔内播散 D. 直接蔓延 E. 血行转移 [填空题]奔腾芯片采用的流水线技术主要是 【1】 和超流水线技术。
[单选题]根据《防治海洋工程建设项目污染损害海洋环境管理条例》,下列建设项目中,不 属于海洋工程建设项目的是()
A.围填海工程 B.大型海水养殖场 C.海底物资储藏设施 D.固体废弃物处理处置排海工程项目 [填空题]外圆磨床用来磨削外圆柱面的方法有().
A. 0 B. 105 C. 300 D. 420 我来回答: 提交