The liberal view of democratic
citizenship that developed in the 17th and 18th centuries was fundamentally
different from that of the classical Greeks. The pursuit of private interests
with as little interference as possible from government was seen as the road to
human happiness and progress rather than the public obligations and involvement
in the collective community that were emphasized by the Greeks. Freedom
was to be realized by limiting the scope of governmental activity and political
obligation and not through immersion in the collective life of the polis. The
basic role of the citizen was to select governmental leaders and keep the powers
and scope of public authority in check. On the liberal view, the. rights of
citizens against the state were the focus of special emphasis. Over time, the liberal democratic notion of citizenship developed in tw A. family life B. military service C. marriage D. political community [多选题] 泵检修完工后的施工现场的验收标准包括( )。
A.现场卫生清洁,无油污 B.零附件齐全好用 C.连接螺丝齐全、满扣、齐整、坚固 D.旧配件现场摆放整齐 [判断题]进行供电故障应急救援,对机房内的配电柜空开接线操作时,可以单人作业,不用监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]换流变压器高压试验前应通知阀厅内高压穿墙套管侧试验无关人员撤离,并派专人( )。
A.值守 B.呼唱 C.监护 D.监护并呼唱 [多选题]发生危险化学品事故,有关地方人民政府应当立即组织()等有关部门,按照本地区危险化学品事故应急预案组织实施救援,不得拖延、推诿。
A.安全生产监督管理 B.环境保护 C.公安 D.卫生 E.交通运输 [判断题]" 临近带电体作业时,上下传递物件应用绝缘绳索,杆塔或地面上作业人员应将金属物品接地后再接触,以防电击。作业全过程应设专人监护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]某单位法人代表指使会计人员王某虚构三笔经济业务,套取现金并以王某名义存入银行。属于违反( )会计法律制度的规定。
A. 单位负责入不得授意、指使会计入员伪造会计资料 B. 任何单位不得账外设账 C. 会计入员不得伪造会计资料 D. 会计入员不得变造会计资料 [单项选择]甲居住于某城市,因业务需要,以其坐落在市中心的一处公寓(价值210万元)作抵押,分别从乙银行和丙银行各贷款100万元。甲与乙银行于6月5日签订了抵押合同,6月10日办理了抵押登记;与丙银行于6月8日签订了抵押合同,同日办理了抵押登记。后因甲无力还款,乙银行、丙银行行使抵押权,对甲的公寓依法拍卖,取得价款150万元,乙银行、丙银行对拍卖款的分配应为()。
A. 乙银行75万元、丙银行75万元 B. 乙银行100万元、丙银行50万元 C. 丙银行100万元、乙银行50万元 D. 丙银行80万元、乙银行70万元 [单项选择]有关前列腺增生症的描述,错误的是()
A. 前列腺增生结节90%以上发生在外周带 B. 增生结节T2WI可为低信号 C. 增生结节T2WI可为高信号 D. 增生结节周围可为环形低信号 E. 增生的前列腺可突入膀胱 我来回答: 提交