A. I was held up by the traffic jam.
B. That’s a good price.
C. I think so.
D. If you run, you might catch it.
E. Thank you very much.
F. Nobody like this.
G. Yes, he will.
H. I do some running every morning.
When his daughter Mary went out for her
evening walk Doctor Cochran sat for an hour alone m his office. It began to grow
dark and the man who all afternoon had been sitting on chairs and boxes before
the livery barn across the street went home for the evening meal. The noise of
voices grew faint and sometimes for five or ten minutes there was silence. Then
from some distant street came a child’s cry. Presently church bells began to
ring. The Doctor was not a very neat man and sometimes for several days he forgot to shave. With a long lean hand he stroked his half grown beard. His illness had struck deeper than he had admitted even to himself and his mind had an inclination to float out of his body. Often when he sat thus his hands lay in his lap and he looked at them with a child’s absorption. It seemed to him they must belon A. He was indifferent in nature. B. He was an ardent lover. C. He was clumsy at expressing himself. D. He bore a grudge against his wife. [单选题]以下______物品属于第三类危险品。
A.汽车 B.化学氧气发生器 C.油漆 D.氧气瓶 [单选题]CCITT推荐了两种数字速率系列和数字复接等级,我国采用了()作为基群的数字速率系列(5753)
A. 6.312Mbit/s B. 1.544Mbit/s C. 2.048Mbit/s D. 8.448Mbit/s [单选题]系统最大运行方式时,()。
A.系统阻抗最小,短路电流最大 B.系统阻抗最大,短路电流最大 C.系统阻抗最小,短路电流最小 D.系统阻抗最大,短路电流最小 [单项选择]黄褐斑损害处()。
A. 黑素减少 B. 无黑素细胞的增殖 C. 真皮上部可见炎症浸润 D. 黑素无增加 E. 黑素形成抑制 [简答题]逻辑代数中有哪几种基本运算,并简述其逻辑功能。
[单选题]灭火战斗网通常以( )为单位组网。
A.总 B.支 C.建制消防救援 D.大队 [判断题]头足类的循环系统是开管式的。
A.疼痛 B.身长缩短 C.驼背 D.骨折 E.呼吸困难 [判断题]在电力通信设备上工作,业务通道投退时,应先备份运行数据
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]水体自净作用是一种生物、化学、物理的综合转化过程。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]交流电能表分单相、三相两种。三相电能表分为三相两元件和三相四元件电能表。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]60kg/m钢轨高度为176mm。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]使用快速创建方式能创建的数据访问页是下列选项中的哪一个( )。
A. 纵栏式 B. 列表式 C. 电子表式 D. 图表式 [判断题]根据DL/T645-2007 《多功能电能表通信规约》规定,广播校时每天可多次校对。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对比色相对比是指色环()度位置的两个位置的颜色。
A. 60 B. 120 C. 30 D. 180 [判断题]( )在MGB1420万能磨床中,可用钳型电流表测量设备的绝缘电阻。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交