As one of the biggest restaurants in
the world, McDonald’s origination and development has been a miracle in this
field. The McDonald’s story began in 1954 in San Bernardino, California. At
first, the restaurant is run by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald. It didn’t
go very well at first; at one time it was nearly closed. However, the two
brothers insisted on and overcame the difficulties, and made it turn for the
better day by day. Ray Kroc, a milk shake machine salesman, saw the massive potential of the brothers’ business and decided to get involved. He purchased the rights from the brothers, on April 15th, 1955. He became the McDonald brothers’ first franchisee when he opened his own McDonald’s restaurant in Des Plaines, a suburb just north of Chicago. The entry of Ray Kroc into the business contributed to the deve A. show the McDonald’s in UK is the best in the world. B. show the large size of UK McDonald’s. C. illustrate McDonald’s’ contribution to employment. D. illustrate McDonald’s’ status in the world. [判断题]扑救猛烈燃烧的钢结构建筑火灾时,不得内攻,保持钢结构墙体稳定,不得随意拆除或用直流水柱冲击墙体,防止墙体因受力平衡改变而发生坍塌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]降糖药格列齐特属于
A.预混胰岛素制剂 B.双胍类口服降血糖药 C.磺酰脲类口服降血糖药 D.α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制药 E.中效胰岛素制剂 [单项选择]男性,62岁,胆囊切除术后1天出现发热(最高体温39.7℃),口服阿司匹林50mg后持续全身大量出汗1天,随后患者出现意识障碍、无尿。查体:血压80/55mmHg,四肢皮肤冰冷,血肌酐306μmol/L。该患者的肾功能异常首先考虑为()。
A. 急性肾小管坏死 B. 肾前性氮质血症 C. 肾实质性急性肾衰竭 D. 肾后性氮质血症 E. 肾后性急性肾衰竭 [单项选择]若遇()级以上大风或能见度小于30m的雾天、下雪天或暴雨天,油井防喷工作暂停。
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3 [单选题]冬期开挖路堑施工中,挖方边坡不应一次挖到设计线,应预留 ( )厚台阶。
A.10cm B.20cm C.30cm D.40cm [单选题]货车“三防”是指防( )、防制动配件脱落、防大型配件折损。
A.列车分离 B.脱轨 C.燃轴切轴 D.冲突 [判断题]擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯会等群体性活动,具有安全危险性,公安机关有权责令停止举办,并处罚款。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]科学地解决哲学基本问题关系到能否坚持
A. 正确处理主观和客观的关系问题 B. 唯物主义路线的问题 C. 历史唯物主义的问题 D. 世界可知性的问题 [单项选择]富马酸亚铁原料的含量测定采用KMnO4法,富马酸亚铁片的测定应选用
A. KMnO4法 B. 铈量法 C. 重量法 D. 重氮化法 E. UV法 [单选题]单机挂车时,在区间被迫停车后的防护工作由机车乘务组负责,开车前应确认( )是否良好。(技规)
A.附挂辆数和制动主管贯通状态 B.附挂辆数和车辆状态 C.车辆状态和通风状态 [判断题]货运票据封套、货车装载清单和回送清单的保管期均为半年。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]35三栏式明细账适用于
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]与人交谈时,直言常会令人尴尬,而委婉则会使人感到()。
A. 愉快 B. 明白 C. 激动 D. 费解 [判断题]活塞销两端面与锁环碰击,不会造成活塞销响。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]牵引旅客列车停车制动,自阀减压时,列车产生制动作用并稳定降速(时间原则上应控制在( ))后,再解除机车牵引力。
A.3s以上 B.4s以上 C.5s以上 我来回答: 提交