Phyllis Wheatley is regarded as America’s first black poet. She was born in Senegal, Africa, about 1753 and brought to America aboard a slave ship at about the age of seven. John and Susannah Wheatley bought her for three pounds at a slave auction in Boston in 1761 to be a personal servant of Mrs. Wheatley. The family had three other slaves, and all were treated with respect. Phyllis was soon accepted as one of the family, which included being raised and educated with the Wheatley’s twin 15-year-old children, Mary and Nathaniel. At that time, most females, even from better families, could not read and write, but Mary was probably one of the best educated young women in Boston. Mary wanted to become a teacher, and in fact, it was Mary who decided to take charge of Phyllis’s education. Phyllis soon displayed her remarkable talents. At the age of twel A. She would have been more recognized as a poet if she had not been black. B. She would have written poetry if she had stayed in Africa. C. She went unrecognized as a poet during her lifetime. D. She only wrote religious poetry. [单选题]下列与人的生理有关的叙述中,不正确的是:
A.剧烈运动时人体代谢加快,代谢产物不能及时排出,血液的pH值增大 B.人的胃液中含有少量盐酸,可以帮助消化 C.人能够煤气中毒主要是一氧化碳与血红蛋白牢固结合,使血红蛋白失去输氧能力 D.脂肪(由碳、氢、氧元素组成)在人体内代谢的最终产物是二氧化碳和水 [判断题]瑞士、日本、冰岛的国防都属于中立型国防。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]自同期并列是将发电机用自同期法与系统并列运行。()[1.0分]
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公安机关在对某洗浴中心进行例行检查时,洗浴中心老板张某阻碍检查,情节较轻,应对张某予以治安管理处罚,并从重处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪类物质不属于吸入性变应原()
A. 螨 B. 屋尘 C. 花粉 D. 虾 [填空题](I’m afraid) that I have (to stop) to talk with you (because) I have to go to (the doctor’s) for my toothache.
A.I’m afraid stop C.because D.the doctor’s [判断题]电气设备着火时,应首先切断电源。在切断电源前,只准使用不导电的灭火器材进行灭火。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题禁止用口尝和正对瓶口用鼻嗅的方法来鉴别性质不明的药品,可以用手在容器上轻轻扇动,在( )去嗅发散出来的气味。
A.瓶口上面 B.稍远的地方 C.瓶口侧面 D.较近的地方 [多项选择]在下列哪一种情形中,导致离婚时可能涉及无过错方的损害赔偿请求
A. 某甲的丈夫乙在出外经商定居时与某女青年以父夫妻名义同居生活 B. 某甲的丈夫乙在家中时常打骂凌辱甲和她的孩子 C. 某甲的丈夫乙在外地用欺骗手段得以和某女青年登记结婚 D. 某甲的丈夫在婚前隐瞒自己的精神病史 [单项选择]接触精神疾病患者的技巧中,下列哪项是不适当的()
A. 表情要自然 B. 对妄想患者,可通过争辩,帮助其认识自身疾病 C. 语气轻柔,语速要慢 D. 对老年患者,可通过触摸使其感到温暖 E. 双目平视 [填空题]烟草专卖局不论在何种情况下,都必须在受理申请之日起二十日内作出许可书面决定。( )
[单项选择]暂准进出境货物申请延长期限不超过18个月的由( )作出决定。
A. 国际商会 B. 隶属海关 C. 直属海关 D. 海关总署 [单选题]该患者实施乳腺癌改良根治术,应采取何种体位( )
A. 侧卧位 B. 仰卧位 C. 俯卧位 D. 截石位 [单选题]在变、配电站(开关站)的带电区域内或邻近带电线路处,禁止使用( )。
A.绝缘梯子 B.金属梯子 C.竹梯子 D.木梯子 我来回答: 提交