The swelling ranks of successful
Ethiopians( 埃塞俄比亚人) on the international athletic track and the media attention
they are receiving has inspired thousands of youngsters to devote all their
energy to becoming the future champions of distance running. Haile currently
reigns(统治) supreme as the world’s greatest distance runner. He has set 15 world
records and at 2000 year’s Sydney Olympics he retained the Olympic Gold medal he
first won in 1996. He is the latest in a long line. The world woke up to this
phenomenon in the 1960 Roma Olympics, when Ethiopian Abebe Bikila won the men’s
marathon(马拉松) barefoot. Being born in the mountains means their bodies have already compensated for the lack of oxygen by having bigger hangs and more red blood cells. Not only do their bodies carry oxygen to the cells more efficiently; the cells A. the allowance B. the championships C. their lives D. their country [单选题]某市财政局副局长金某,中共党员,得知本部门另一副局长李某等人任前公示的消息后,心存不满,随即编造了李某花50万元买官的虚假举报材料,采用匿名方式分别寄给了省市领导及纪委监委,在社会上造成了恶劣影响。金某的行为属于( )。
A. 在干部选拔任用中排斥异己 B. 制造、散布、传播政治谣言 C. 正常的举报行为 D. 违反社会公德 [填空题]脱硫系统常用的防腐材料有()和()。
A. 太阳之国 B. 千佛之国 C. 千湖之国 D. 椰子之国 [简答题]简述提取关键绩效指标的基本方法、程序和步骤。
[不定项选择题]关于粗集料表观密度、针片状颗粒含量、磨光值、洛杉矶磨耗、坚固性试验方法,请回答以下问题。(1)关于粗集料密度试验方法(网篮法)说法正确的有( )。
A.集料的表观相对密度的计算式为ra=ma/(ma-mw) B.对于各种密度的试验结果的重复性精度,要求两次结果相差不超过0.02,吸水率不超过0.2% C.对粒径偏小(2.36-4.75mm)的集料,用毛巾擦拭时易造成颗粒损失,此时宜采用纯棉汗衫进行操作 D.试验时环境温度应保持在15-25℃,并且试验过程中温度波动应不超过2℃ [判断题]新引进供应商需通过集采平台报公司批准;对集采单价(含运杂费)进行调整的,必须报公司批准后签订补充协议,否则需重新招标选择供应商。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交