The Internet is changing the way
musicians sell their work and broadening the range of music that consumers get
to hear. Says A1 Teller, former chief executive of MCA Music Group who now heads
Atomic Pop, a new company that will sell downloadable music on the web: "What
the web offers is an opportunity for the artist to go directly to the consumer."
Musicians and entrepreneurs are exploring new ways of putting the technology to
use. DJ Spooky recently featured his music on a deejay website that encouraged
users to remix his work and e-mail the new creations to Others; he’s now putting
the finishing touches on his own site. The California-based company Liquid Audio
offers free downloads of songs by groups like Hole that self-destruct (自毁) after
a few days, teasing listeners to buy the whole CD. In the physical world,
because of A. the costs of promotion and production are high, so musicians publish their works in groups B. musicians have to compose enough works before they release them C. the promotion and production work takes too much of musician’s time D. musicians want to attract listeners to buy more [判断题]2.21 记载销毁机动车档案情况的登记簿和销毁记录应当存档备查。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]继电保护、配电自动化装置、安全自动装置及自动化监控系统做传动试验或一次通电或进行直流系统功能试验前,
应( )后,方可进行。
A.通知运维人员 B.通知有关人员 C.通知工作票签发人 D.指派专人到现场监视 [判断题]客户侧现场作业必须严格执行安全组织和技术措施,严格工作计划刚性管理,严禁不具备资质人员从事相关工作,禁止擅自操作客户设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]制动杠杆孔距须符合现车车型制动倍率的要求。孔距偏差大于( )mm时,拆除原衬套,堵焊并加工圆销孔后镶套。
A.1mm B.2mm C.3mm D.4mm [判断题]工地试验室信用评价结果小于70分的,其授权负责人两年内不能担任工地试验室授权负责人。
A. 性线标注 B. 直径标注 C. 门窗标注 D. 两点标注 [单选题]( ) “人类命运共同体”概念最早是在党的()上明确提出的。
A. 十八大 B.十八届二中全会 C.十八届六中全会 D.十九大 [单选题]在道岔上进行养护维修时,应注意观察尖轨跟部限位器A.B块的间隙变化。道岔位于跨区间无缝线路区段,在锁定温度下,间隙应符合( )的要求。
A.7.0±1.5mm B.6.0±1.5mm C.7.0±2mm D.6.0±2mm [单选题]钢筋码放高度不得超过()m,并禁止抛摔。
A.1 B.1.2 C.1.5 D.1.6 [单项选择]下列煤气成分中不具有腐蚀性的成分是()。
A. H2S B. CO2 C. CH4 [判断题]带有额定负载转矩的三相异步电动机,若使电源电压低于额定电压,则其电流就会低于额定电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,17岁。被自行车撞伤左上腹5小时,伤后逐渐出现全腹疼痛。查体:血压95/60mmHg,神志清楚,左上腹压痛、反跳痛明显,移动性浊音(±),腹穿(-)。以下处理错误的是()。
A. 禁食、胃肠减压 B. 血、尿常规,淀粉酶检查 C. 静脉输液,补充血容量 D. 腹腔穿刺阴性,可保守治疗 E. B超检查 [判断题]力量训练是体能训练的一部分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交