Somehow California is always at the
cutting edge, be it in the flower-power days of the 1960s or the dotcom boom of
the 1990s. As Kevin Start points out in his history of the state, California has
long been "one of the prisms through which the American people, for better and
for worse, could glimpse their future". Mr. Starr is too good a historian to offer any pat explanation; instead, he concentrates on the extraordinary array of people and events that have led from the mythical land of Queen Calafia, through the rule of Spain and Mexico, and on to the governorship of Arnold Schwarzenegger, an iron-pumping film star with an Austrian accent. Moreover, he does so with such elegance and humor that his book is a joy to read. What emerges is not all Californian sunshine and light. Think back to the savage violence that A. The distributional imbalance of each of the part. B. The chaotic arrangement and design of the structure. C. The improper selection of some materials. D. The cautious view and attitude of the writer. [单选题] 虚拟桌面精细化控制基于哪种方式实现? (3分) 查看答案
A.MAC地址 B.端口地址 C.VID D.UID [多项选择]投资者或外商投资企业除按照外商投资法律法规及有关规定提交相关文件外,还应向商务主管部门提交下列哪些文件()
A. 人民币资金来源证明或说明文件 B. 资金用途说明 C. 《跨境人民币直接投资情况表》 D. 申请书 [填空题]外周输液工具中,常用的输液工具包括:头皮针,安全的留置时间是();留置针,安全的留置时间是();PICC,安全的留置时间是();中等长度静脉导管,安全的留置时间是()。
[多选题] 十九届中央纪委员会四次全会指出,加强上级纪委监委对下级纪委监委的领导,完善( )统筹衔接制度,强化纪委监委监督的协助引导推动功能
A. 纪律监督 B. 监察监督 C. 派驻监督 D. 巡视监督 [判断题]电力通信设备除尘应使用齐备的工器具和材料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](第十五条)车辆到达现场后,应当根据现场情况选择适当的停车位置,并统一在道路一侧靠边停放,车辆之间应保持约( )米的安全距离。(D)
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]3岁患儿,半月来低热,盗汗,食欲不振,消瘦,胸片诊断为原发综合征,治疗首选的抗结核药物应为()
A. 异烟肼,利福平,吡嗪酰胺 B. 异烟肼,利福平 C. 异烟肼,链霉素 D. 异烟肼,吡嗪酰胺 E. 吡嗪酰胺,利福平,链霉素 [单项选择]下列描述不正确的是
A. 淋巴细胞中无Auer小体 B. 恶性淋巴瘤-般病变局限于淋巴组织,骨髓无异常 C. R-S细胞是诊断霍奇金病的依据 D. 急淋POX染色阳性 E. 慢粒时NAP积分减低 [多选题]办理假币收缴业务时,应在假币收缴凭证上填写以下哪些要素( )。
A.持有人姓名或交款单位; B.被收缴人的身份证或其他有效证件号码 C.假币券别、版别、冠字号码、来源和制作方法; D.鉴定单位和鉴定证书编号 [单项选择]某租赁公司出租一台设备,该设备价格为80万元,租期10年,每年年末支付租金,折现率为10%,附加率为5%,则每年租金为( )。
A. 10万元 B. 20万元 C. 15万元 D. 18万元 [单项选择]Computer software
As more and more companies are using the Internet to do business, Mark Williams explains how a new software package is helping the efficient transfer of medicines from factory to patient. AHL Pharmaceuticals is one of Britain’s largest wholesale distributors of medicines. Under a European parent company, Setra AG, it covers 40 per cent of the British market. The company buys medicines from the manufacturers and delivers them on a twice-daily basis to hundreds of hospitals and pharmacies around the country. ’The responsibility for supplying such large quantities of medicines is frightening,’ says IT director, Stephen Smith. ’If a manufacturer has quality control problems, creating a shortfall in supply, or if medicines are suddenly needed in large quantities somewhere else in the world our stock levels can fall dramatically. In the past such a lack of balance between supply and demand was a huge problem. With our new software system, we know immediately A. can be used in many areas of the company’s business. B. will soon totally replace the need for paper documents. C. is delaying the expansion of the purchasing department. [多项选择]成套配电装置柜体安装完毕后,应()。
A. 再全面复测ー次 B. 拧紧地脚螺栓 C. 做好安装记录 D. 将设备擦拭干净 E. 检查柜内照明 [单项选择]抓斗修理后闭合时,两水平刃口和垂直刃口的错位差及斗口接触处的间隙不得大于()毫米,最长间隙处的长度不应大于()毫米。
A. 3,150 B. 3,200 C. 5,150 [判断题]判断题(本题1分)国别风险评级模型的各模块和各指标权重,各机构相差较小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病人女性,50岁,拟行冠状动脉造影术,术前护理措施不正确的是()
A. 术前6小时禁食水及药物 B. 术前练习连续咳嗽动作 C. 术前练习床上排尿 D. 备皮 E. 心理护理 [多选题]高倍数泡沫发生器分为( )高倍数泡沫发生器。
A.简易 B.水力驱动 C.风力驱动 D.发动机驱动 E.电动机驱动 [单项选择]被称为内隐敏感法的厌恶疗法是( )。
A. 药物厌恶法 B. 暂停技术 C. 电击厌恶法 D. 想象厌恶法 [多项选择]法治的基本精神有()。
A. 良法之治 B. 法律之上 C. 权利本位 D. 民主政治 我来回答: 提交