Text 2
Once free of Etruscan domination, the Romans developed a Republican form of government which lasted until the first century BC, and provided important continuity for Roman institutions. The motto "S. P. Q. R. "--Senatus Populusgue Romanus, "The Roman Senate and People" reflected the philosophy of the early Roman political and social order and remained the watchword of Roman society until Imperial times. It meant that sovereignty rested in the people themselves, and not in any particular governmental form. Yet in many ways the Roman Republic functioned as a democracy. Decisions affecting society were made at a series of assemblies which all citizens attended to express their will. The Senate, on the other hand, conducted the business of government including the passage of legislation and the supervision of elected magistrates. Over the centuries the greatest issues affecting Roman society were played out as dramas created by tensions betwe
A. It suggests that The Roman Senate was elected by the people and governed the people.
B. It suggests that The Roman Senate was the highest authority.
C. It suggests that it was the people, not government, who held the power and right of the country.
D. It suggest that the Roman Republic functioned a democracy the same as America.
一般资料:求助者,男性,14岁,初中二年级学生。 案例介绍:求助者是妈妈强迫来咨询的。经过与心理咨询师交流,开始敞开心扉,自诉最大的问题是与父亲的关系。父亲经常打他,几乎每天一次,后来每次打时求助者几乎都没反应了。很憎恶父亲的做法,但又没有办法。求助者很怕与人交往,总怕会挨打。一次受同学欺负,求助者因怕处分没敢和那个同学动手。后来经常受同学的欺负,老师也管不了,有时还偏向那些打他的学生。恨自己太软弱。家庭和学校不良的环境对其学习产生了影响,上课听不懂,也不愿找同学帮助。不想上学,已一个多月没上学了。 母亲反映:儿子在外不爱说话,与人交往有困难,学习成绩下降明显。担心出了问题,因此带其来就诊。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者性格内向,从小胆小,说话声音很小,眼睛不敢看人,缺乏自信,但语言及逻辑思维正常。
There once lived a poor tailor who had a son called Aladdin, a careless, idle boy (21) would do nothing but play all day long in the streets with little idle boys like himself. This so grieved the father that (22) died; yet, in spite of his mother’s tears and prayers, Aladdin did not mend his ways. One day, when he was playing in the streets as usual, a stranger (23) him if he was not the son of Mustapha the tailor. "I am, sir," replied Aladdin ; "but he (24) a long while ago." On this the stranger, who was a famous magician, fell on his neck and kissed him saying: "I am your uncle, and (25) you from your likeness to my brother. Go to your mother and tell her I am coming." Aladdin ran home and told his mother of his newly found uncle. "Indeed, child," she said, "your father had a (26) , but I always thought he was dead." However, she prepared supper, and told Aladdin to seek his uncl
A. for
B. with
C. to
D. from