Passage 1 Over an extended period of time it is possible for potential firms to enter or for existing firms to leave a competitive industry. In the competitive world, shifts in the productive (1) of the economy from any one line of production to others would (2) in this way. The length of the time period (3) for entry and/or exit will vary, depending upon the (4) involved. Some, like hot dog stands, may be easily and quickly (5) . Others, like textile mills, will require a longer planning and construction period. Whatever the time (6) necessary for firms to enter or exit a given industry, we (7) that period as the long run for that industry. For different industries, the long run will encompass different time spans. The force that (8) the entry of new firms A. emerge B. occur C. appear D. show [判断题]机车信号分为连续式和接近连续式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] A Census Bureau (人口调查局) survey released Thursday shows a college graduate can expect to earn $ 2. 1 million working full-time between 25 and 64, which demographers (人口学家) call a typical work-life period. A master’’ s degree-holder is projected to earn 2.5 million, while someone with a professional degree, such as a doctor or lawyer, could make even more--$ 4.4 million. In contrast, a high school graduate can expect to make $ 1.2 million during the working years, according to the bureau report that tracked the influence of education on lifetime earnings.
Not all students look at college as an investment, "but I am sure parents do," said Jacque line King, policy analyst with the American Education Council, a higher education advocacy (拥护) group. "The college is to convince those high school students on the margins that it is really worth their time to go to college." Kevin Malecek, a graduate student in American politics at American University in Washington said most of his class
A. spend as much money as possible as college students B. get the most rewards from the money they have paid C. understand the influence of higher education on their lifetime earnings D. make as much money as possible before they graduate from the college [多选题] 公安机关实施的下列执法行为,属于行政强制措施的有( )
A. 对涉嫌盗窃并拒绝接受传唤的张某进行强制传唤 B. 对涉嫌嫖娼的李某支付给卖淫女的500元予以扣押 C. 对王某持有的可能灭失的物品先行登记保存 D. 对涉嫌吸毒的刘某予以强制检测 [判断题]用于竞争期间的握手通信和正想确认、结束非竞争期是控制帧()
[单选题]精密进近跑道的跑道入口灯应由两路能分( )级调光的串联电路隔灯交替供电。
A..五 B.四 C.三 D.二 [单选题] 现场井控工作中“三早”的内容是( )、早关井、早处理。
A.早请示 B.早发现 C.早报警 D.早联系 [多项选择]有关组织结构的叙述中,正确的说法是( )。
A. 组织结构为职权关系提供了一定的格局 B. 组织结构为职责的分配和确定奠定一定的基础 C. 组织结构图可准确、完整地表达组织结构 D. 组织结构图可说明一个上级对其下级所具有的职权的程度 E. 利用组织结构可以评价组织各个成员的功绩与过错 [多项选择]培训经济学的主要指标有()。
A. 培训办学条件指标 B. 标准化管理指标 C. 受培训者的数量和质量指标 D. 培训的经济效益指标 E. 培训的微观管理水平 [填空题]
以下药物中特殊杂质的检查方法是 肾上腺素中酮体的检查()A. 比色法 B. 高效液相色谱法 C. 比浊法 D. 紫外分光光度法 E. 旋光度法 [单选题]护士工作中与患者微笑表示什么( )
A.表示交往的美的象征 B.表示交往的体现关怀 C.表示交往的金钥匙 D.表示交往的心理距离 E.以身作则,为护理人员做出表率 [单项选择]决定警察必要性的直接因素是( )。
A. 国家性质 B. 阶级矛盾 C. 社会各阶级力量的对比 D. 社会矛盾引起的犯罪、对抗冲突和社会秩序问题 [简答题]号称“布鲁塞尔第一公民”的“撒尿小男孩”铜像,已拥有_________件各式各样的服装。
A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 D. 四 [判断题]CDT\DISA默认的满码值是2047,远传时是将站内库的码值除以16上送。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]针对关键业务和重点环节,建立风险管理与内部控制机制,实现风险可控、()、在控。
A. 口腔粘膜可出现糜烂 B. 丘疹表面可有网状纹 C. 可见甲床萎缩 D. 可有同形反应 E. 红斑上有水疱 [填空题]接发列车时,遇列车同时到发,助理值班员不能兼顾时,应<--NRC-->。
A.1辆 B.2辆 C.3辆 D.4辆 [多选题]初唐时期,( )、骆宾王被称为初唐四杰。
A.王勃 B.陈子昂 C.卢照邻 D.杨炯 [单选题]交流不间断电源(UPS)用蓄电池容量选择还应满足:当交流供电中断时,不间断电源系统应能保证( )小时事故供电。
A.0.5 B.1 C.2 D.2.5 [判断题]清扫运行中的二次设备和二次回路时,应使用防静电工具,并采取措施防止振动、误碰。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交