Every living thing has what scientists
call a biological clock that controls behavior. It tells plants when to{{U}}
(62) {{/U}}flowers and insects when to leave protective cocoon (茧)and
fly away. And it tells animals and human beings when to{{U}} (63)
{{/U}}, sleep and seek food. It controls our body temperatures, the{{U}}
(64) {{/U}}of some hormones and even dreams. Events{{U}} (65) {{/U}}the plant and animal affect its actions. Scientists recently found that a tiny animal called Siberian hamster changes the color of its{{U}} (66) {{/U}}because of the number of hours of{{U}} (67) {{/U}}. In shorter days of winter its fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray-brown in longer{{U}} (68) {{/U}}of daylight in summer. {{U}} (69) {{/U}}signals control other biological clocks. German scientists found that some internal one se A. And B. So C. Then D. But [填空题]The World Health Organization is (47) countries to follow six policies to (48) millions of tobacco-related deaths. The six policies are known as MPOWER, spelled M-P-O-W-E-R.
The M is for (49) tobacco use and prevention policies. The P is for protecting people by establishing (50) areas. O stands for offering services to help people stop smoking. W is for warning people about the (51) of tobacco. E is for enforcing bans on tobacco advertising and other forms of marketing. And R is for raising taxes (52) tobacco. The WHO says in a major new report that raising taxes is the single most (53) way to reduce tobacco use. A study found that governments now collect an (54) of five hundred times more money in tobacco taxes each year than they spend on control efforts. The WHO says tobacco now (55) more than five million deaths a year. It predicts this number will rise to more t [单项选择]致病易出现疼痛症状的是()
A. 风邪 B. 寒邪 C. 湿邪 D. 暑邪 E. 燥邪 [单选题]下列属于台虎钳的虎钳构成部分的是()。
A.钳牙 B.加力杆 C.绝缘杆 D.回转盘 [多选题]《安全生产法》规定:安全生产工作应当以人为本,坚持安全发展,坚持( )、( )、( )方针。
A.安全第一 B.预防为主 C.综合治理 [名词解释]巴什兰干
A. 消防水带卡箍 B. 使用拉梯 C. 卡牢消防接口 D. 水带挂钩 [判断题]轨道路基要有足够的宽度、平直度、强度。铺设轨道要平直、圆顺,轨距应在允许误 差值之内,轨道半径≮25m,纵坡≯2%
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]因娶了有精神病的妻子而状告婚检部门,应如何处理?
A. 全身化学治疗 B. 介入治疗 C. 肿瘤局部注射无水酒精 D. 肿瘤局部放射治疗 E. 免疫治疗+中医中药 [单选题]架应布置得离地面近一些,以使汽车( )降低,有利于提高汽车的行驶稳。
A.发动机位置 B.质量位置 C.重心位置 D.车架位置 [单项选择]下列有关医学伦理学提法错误的是
A. 具有继承性的特征 B. 理论,规范来源于实践 C. 为医学发展的导向 D. 能为所有的医学高技术实施辩护 E. 反映社会对医学的需求 [名词解释]指令周期、机器周期和T周期
[单选题]某黏性土的含水率 ω=39%,液限 ωL=47.9%,塑限 ωP =25.4%,试求该土的液性指数。( )
A.0.565; B.0.582; C.0.652; D.0.604。 [单选题]继电保护的(____),是指对于其保护范围内发生故障或不正常运行状态的反应能力。
A.选择性 B.可靠性 C.灵敏性 D.快速性 [单选题]1度电等于( ) Wh(瓦时)。
A.600 B.1000 C.3600 D.6000 [单选题]脑细胞对缺氧最敏感,一般缺氧超过()min 就会造成不可逆转的损害导致脑死亡。
A.5 B.8 C.12 [判断题]只有符合工程质量资料的基本要求的五个方面的质量材料才认为是可信的、合格的、日后可查阅应用的质量材料。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 当有( )级及以上大风和雾雨雪天气时,应停止脚手架搭设与拆除作业。
A.5级 B.3级 C.6级 D.7级 [判断题]SDH中最基本的模块是STM64
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]线路允许速度Vmax≤120km/h,钢轨顶面擦伤深度超过( )mm时为轻伤钢轨。
A.0.3 B.0.5 C.1 D.2 [单选题]浆细胞来源于
A.B淋巴细胞 B.T淋巴细胞 C.单核细胞 D.纤维细胞 E.成纤维细胞 [单项选择]关于被保护访问控制符protected修饰的成员变量,以下说法正确的是( )。
A. 可以被三种类所引用:该类自身、与它在同一个包中的其他类、在其他包中的该类的子类 B. 可以被两种类访问和引用:该类本身、该类的所有子类 C. 只能被该类自身所访问和修改 D. 只能被同一个包中的类访问 [单选题]滑移系相同,滑移方向数越___,塑性越____。 (262.495.:第01.-4.章 金属材料及其工艺)
A.大/好 B.小/好 C.A.或B D.无关 [单选题]一般情况下,煤尘的()越高,越容易爆炸。
A.灰分 B.水分 C.可燃挥发分 我来回答: 提交