Once upon a time, in a solar system
there were two planets. Their names were Yee and Lan, and they loved each other
very much. But they were a little sad, because it was so long between times that
they got to be near each other. Most of the time they had to gaze from
afar. Centuries went by, and one time as they passed, reaching out through the cold and emptiness, Yee slipped Lan a moon, because Yee had three and Lan had none. Lan looked so perfect with the new moon that all the other planets were a little jealous; and Yee didn’t mind giving up that moon at all. So the planets kept on dancing to the music of the universe, and Lan’s moon was admired by all, until one day an evil-minded ice-hearted comet viciously slammed into it, shattering it into a thousand pieces. At that time, Yee was all the way on the other side of the A. emphasize the importance of love B. explain how people love each other C. show why lovers exchange rings D. tell a story of rings in the universe [单选题](47981)无缝道岔应力放散时,要求道岔的中心和辙叉咽喉的位置( )。(1.0分)
A.超前 B.保持不变 C.滞后 D.居中 [单选题] 液体蒸发时只放出汽化潜热,液体的温度( )。
A. 升高 B. 不变化 C. 降低 D. 生高后降低 [单选题]接近、连挂标有GW的车辆,或者机车带有GW车辆与其他车辆连挂时,调车速度不得超过( )km/h。
A.15 B.10 C.5 D.3 [单选题]各营业网点收到湖南省农村信用社结算中心的调账通知和手续费退还通知,核对无误后,必须在( )完成对差错资金的处理。
A.当日至下一个工作日上午(节假日顺延) B.两天内 C.一个星期 D.当日至下一个工作日(节假日顺延) [单项选择]当事人之间达成的将特定的民商事争议提交仲裁解决的书面协议是()
A. 仲裁裁决书 B. 仲裁调解书 C. 仲裁申请书 D. 仲裁协议书 [单选题]运行途中,遇列车无线调度通信设备发生故障时,列车应( )报告。
A.立即停车 B.在前方站停车 C.前方停车站 我来回答: 提交