The long and progressive reign of Queen Victoria came to a climax at a time of peace and plenty when the British Empire seemed to be at the summit of its power and security. Of the discord that soon followed we shall here note only two factors which had large influence on contemporary English literature.
The first disturbing factor was imperialism, the reawakening of a dominating spirit which had seemingly been put to sleep by the proclamation of an Imperial Federation. (46)Its coming was heralded by the Boer War in South Africa, through which Britain blundered to what was hoped to be an era of peace and good will. Other nations promptly made such hope a vain whistling in the wind. Japanese War Lords began a career of conquest which aimed to make Japan master of Asia and East Indies. Pacific islands that had for ages slept peacefully were turned into frowning naval stations. (47)Even the United States, aroused by an easy triumph in the Spanish War, started on an
The biggest threat facing airlines today may not be
a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portable computer in business{{U}}
(21) {{/U}}. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported well over 100
incidents that{{U}} (22) {{/U}}by electromagnetic interference. The
source of this interference remains{{U}} (23) {{/U}}, but increasingly,
experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable
computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones. RTCA, an organization which advises the aviation industry, has recommended that all airlines ban such devices from being used during "critical" stages of flight, particularly takeoff and landing A. A.cabinet D.class [单选题]公安机关对涉嫌寻衅滋事的犯罪嫌疑人张某刑事拘留后,办案人员对其进行第一次讯问,其中可以不进行的是( )。
A. 出示张某涉嫌犯罪的证据 B. 告知张某享有的诉讼权利 C. 问明张某个人的基本情况 D. 问明张某家庭情况 [单选题]任何公民,非经人民检察院批准或者决定或者人民法院决定,并由()执行,不受逮捕。
A.人民检察院 B.人民法院 C.公安机关 D.武警部队 [判断题]断路器故障跳闸后,值班人员应立即进行“事故特巡”检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《突发公共卫生事件应急预案》应急组织机构包括( )。
A.应急领导组 B.调度指挥组 C.现场处置组 D.安全保卫组 [多项选择]输电线路的纵联保护中的载波通道由()构成。
A. 结合滤波器 B. 阻波器 C. 电缆 D. 耦合电容器 [单项选择]一患者因胃部不适行上消化道造影,显示胃部充盈缺损,内镜检查可见胃黏膜局限性隆起,临床拟诊黏膜下肿瘤该患行影像学检查时,需和哪种疾病相鉴别()。
A. 胃炎 B. 胃下垂 C. 胃外压性病变 D. 胃扭转 E. 贲门失弛缓症 [单选题]熔丝的额定电流可为电容器额定电流的( )倍。
A.1.0~1.5 B.1.0~2.0 C.1.5 D.1.5~2.0 [多项选择]银行汇票到期被拒绝付款的,持票人可以对( )行使追索权。
A. 背书人 B. 出票人 C. 汇票的其他债务人 D. B和C正确 [单选题]旅客持票提前乘车并已经过车站剪口时,列车应予补签,或者收回原票、换发代用票。代用票上记载实际乘车的日期、车次,原票栏按原票实际填写,原票随( )联上报。
A.丙 B.乙 C.甲 D.丁 [判断题]摆脱电流是人能忍受并能自主摆脱的通过人体最大电流。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]运维单位应建立运维岗位责任制,明确分工,确保各配电网设备、设施有专人负责,实现配电网()、()、()、()、3m以下常规消缺等业务高度融合,实行运维一体化管理。
A. A.状态巡视 B.B.异常巡视 C.C.停送电操作 D.D.带电检测 E.E.隐患排查 [单项选择]男,67岁,咳嗽、痰中带血1个月,纤维支气管镜检查示左下肺腺癌,胸部CT示左下肺包块,右上纵隔淋巴结肿大,最佳的处理方式为()
A. 左下肺叶切除术 B. 术前电视胸腔镜检查 C. 术前纵隔镜检查 D. 术前经皮穿刺淋巴结活检 E. 放化疗 [单项选择]代表以手工业者为主的下层百姓利益的“百家学说”的是()
A. 儒家学说 B. 法家学说 C. 墨家学说 D. 道家学说 [单项选择]神经传导检查的参数不包括()
A. 波幅 B. 潜伏期 C. 波宽 D. 传导速度 E. 动作电位 [单项选择]股份有限公司创立大会,应当在筹足股款并取得验资证明后的( )以内召开。
A. 15日 B. 30日 C. 60日 D. 45日 [单项选择]下颌神经属于()
A. 运动神经 B. 感觉神经 C. 交感神经 D. 副交感神经 E. 混合性神经 我来回答: 提交