Washington, DC has traditionally been an unbalanced city when it comes to the life of the mind. It has great national monuments, from the Smithsonian museums to the Library of Congress. But day-to-day cultural life can be thin. It attracts some of the country’s best brains. But far too much of the city’s intellectual life is devoted to the minutiae of the political process. Dinner table conversation can all too easily turn to budget reconciliation or social security.
This is changing. On October 1st the Shakespeare Theatre Company opened a 775-seat new theatre in the heart of downtown. Sidney Harman hall not only provides a new stage for a theatre company that has hitherto had to make do with the 450-seat Lansburgh Theatre around the corner. It will also provide a platform for many smaller arts companies.
The fact that so many of these outfits are queuing up to perform is testimony to Washington’s cultural vitality. The recently-expanded Kennedy
A. Washington’s intellectual and cultural life is unbalanced
B. there is social division between intellectuals and black locals
C. the cultural revival brings jobs and vitality to the downtown
D. Washington solves its own problems before fixing the world
Most Americans have at least one credit
card. They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and
hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad. And they also make many
banking services available. For many of us the "cashless society’.’ is already
here. While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, all A. approaches to the commercial use of computers B. conveniences brought about by computers in business C. significance of automation in commercial enterprises D. advantages of credit cards in business [单项选择]84[案例分析题]男性,25岁,背部刀伤,伤口流血2小时。查体:神志尚清楚,诉口渴,皮肤苍白、稍冷,脉搏110次/分,血压12.9.33kPa(90.70mmHg),脉压小,表浅静脉塌陷,尿少。此患者休克达何种程度()
A. 中度 B. 晚期 C. 重度 D. 轻度 E. 代偿期 [判断题]个人防护装备要标明使用人的姓名,放在指定地点。人员调动、退伍时一律收回,不得带走。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]弧焊变压器全部都是降压变压器。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]经营机构应当建立( )机制,销售人员不得参与投资者的分类评估、产品与服务的分级评估,以及投资者与产品或服务的匹配。
A.投资者适当性评估 B.执业规范 C.销售隔离 D.内部问责 [判断题]乘客信息导向系统是运用现代科技的网络技术与多媒体技术进行信息地多样化显示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下有较强折光性和旋光性的是
A.鞣质 B.黄酮 C.香豆素 D.挥发油 E.醌类 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定:定期进行“消、杀、灭”,蚊、蝇、蟑螂等病媒昆虫指数及鼠密度符合()。
A.卫生要求 B.国家规定 C.企业规定 D.防疫规定 [多选题]Apache的工作模式有哪几种( )多选
A. prefork B. perfork C. worker D. event [单项选择]系统脱敏训练往往使用( )。
A. 面质技术 B. 指导技术 C. 积极关注技术 D. 具体性技术 [判断题]牵引逆变器模块主要任务是把中间直流环节2400V直流电变换成交流电,并对输出交流电进行变频变压调节
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]徐某因涉嫌盗窃罪被A县公安局刑事拘留,A县人民检察院认为不符合逮捕条件未予批捕。侦查完毕后,A县人民检察院将该案移诉,A县人民法院判徐某有罪,徐某上诉,B市中级人民法院改判徐某无罪。如徐某要求国家赔偿,赔偿义务机关应为( )。
A.A县人民法院 B.A县人民法院和A县人民检察院 C.A县公安局 D.A县人民法院和A县公安局 [判断题]电动阀门在空载调试时,开、关位置不应留余量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《劳动法》,用人单位非法招用未满( )周岁的未成年人的,由劳动行政部门责令改正,处以罚款;情节严重的,由工商行政管理部门吊销营业执照。
A.十四 B.十五 C.十六 D.十八 [单选题] 交流换向器电动机因有滑坏及换向器故外加电压不能过高,容量( )。
A.可以做得很大 B.不会很大 C.3KW以下 D.800瓦以下 [单选题]在编辑文档时,我们应该经常进行保存操作,保存文档的快捷键是().
A.Ctrl+Z B.Ctrl+S C.Ctrl+A D.Ctrl+C 我来回答: 提交