You hear the refrain all the time: the
U. S. economy looks good statistically, but it doesn’t fed good. Why doesn’t
ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness.’ It is a quest, ion that
dales at least to the appearance in 1958 of The affluent(富裕的)Society by John
Kenneth Galbraith, who died recently at 97. The Affluent Society is a modem classic because it helped define a new moment in the human condition. For most of history," hunger, sickness, and cold" threatened nearly everyone, Galbraith wrote. "Poverty was found everywhere in that world. Obviously it is not of ours. "After World War Il, the dread of another Great Depression gave way to an economic boom. In the 1930s unemployment had averaged 18. 2 percent; in the 1950s it was 4. 5 percent. To Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent. Through advertising, companies co A. Their material pursuits have gone far ahead of their earnings. B. Their purchasing power has dropped markedly with inflation. C. The distribution of wealth is uneven between the rich and the poor. D. Health care and educational costs have somehow gone out of control. [单选题]接地线截面积应满足装设地点短路电流的要求,且高压接地线的截面积不得小于( )。
A.16mm2 B.25mm2 C.36mm2 D.20mm2 [单选题]更换主机设备或存储设备的热插拔部件时,应( )。
A.断开外部电源连接线 B.佩戴绝缘手套 C.做好防静电措施 D.以上都是 [单项选择]医院感染监测的内容为()
A. 病原微生物 B. 易感人群 C. 媒介因素 D. 环境 E. 以上都对 [填空题]按照上下贯通、横向协同、指挥顺畅、运作高效的原则,国家电网公司总部层面和省公司层面构建()的运检组织架构。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] "同一个违法行为违反多个法律规范应当给予罚款处罚的,按照()的规定处罚。
A.罚款数额低 B.罚款数额高 C.法律规定 D.消防机关" [多项选择]在银行专业版个人信用报告中,“信贷交易明细信息”主要包括()等内容。
A. 资产处置信息 B. 保证人代偿信息 C. 信用卡使用(透支)和还款情况的具体信息 D. 贷款还款信息 [单选题]假设某一资产组合的月VaR为1000万美元,经计算,该组合的年VaR为( )万美元。
A.1000 B.282.8 C.3464.1 D.12000 [单选题]依据《特种设备安全监察条例》的规定,特种设备投入使用前,使用单位应当核对其是否附有()规定的相关文件。
A.《安全生产法》 B.《消防法》 C.《特种设备安全监察条例》 [单选题]蒸汽管道投用前必须()。
A.A.缓慢排尽冷凝水并缓慢暖管 B.B.快速排尽冷凝水并缓慢暖管 C.C.缓慢排尽冷凝水并快速暖管 D.D.快速排尽冷凝水并快速暖管 [判断题]在德国对一般设备事故的调查处理上,采取了重处罚、轻对策的原则()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]75.智能型橇装增压装置采用两台()为输出动力。
A.螺杆油气混输泵 B.多级离心泵 C.单级离心泵 D.齿轮泵 [单项选择]医患交往的两种关系是指()
A. 意识与非意识 B. 冲突与非冲突 C. 技术与非技术 D. 依从与非依从 E. 期待与非期待 [填空题]根据工艺文件名称,找出相对应的内容:A—______,B—______,C—______,D—______,E—______。
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