A recent history of the Chicago
meat-packing industry and its workers examines how the industry grew from its
appearance in the 1830’s through the early 1890’s. Meat-packers, the author
argues, had good wages, working conditions, and prospects for advancement within
the packinghouses, and did not cooperate with labor agitators since labor
relations were so harmonious. Because the history maintains that conditions were
above standard for the era, the frequency of labor disputes, especially in the
mid-1880’s, is not accounted for. The work ignores the fact that the
1880’s were crucial years in American labor history, and that the packinghouse
workers! efforts were part of the national movement for labor reform. In fact, other historical sources for the late nineteenth century record deteriorating housing and high disease and infa A. how historians ought to explain the origins of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry B. why it is difficult to determine the actual nature of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry C. why a particular account of the conditions in the Chicago meat-packing industry is inaccurate D. what ought to be included in any account of the Chicago meat-packers’ role in the national labor movement [多选题]TCU安装在( )内。
A.变流器 B.低压柜 C.滤波柜 [多项选择]企业薪酬的竞争性体现在()。
A. 较高的薪酬水平 B. 正确的价值取向 C. 灵活多变的薪酬结构 D. 优越的工作环境 E. 艮好的人际关系 [单项选择]属于特种设备监管范围的压力容器指的是最高工作压力大于或等于()MPa(表压),且工作压力与容积的乘积大于或者等于()MPa/L气体、液化气体和最高工作温度高于或者等于标准沸点的液体的固定式容器和移动式容器。
A. 0.1;2.5 B. 0.2;3.0 C. 0.5;3.5 D. 1.0;1.5 [单选题]寻测电缆断线故障的方法通常采用()和声测法。
A.电桥法 B.低压脉冲法 C.高压闪络法 D.低压闪络法 [单选题]频率的一次调整是由(____)。
A.发电机组的调速器完成的; B.负荷的频率特性来完成; C.发电机组的调频系统完成的; D.有功功率的经济分配完成的 [单选题]以下表述正确的是( )
A. 利率互换期权实物交割时,期权买卖双方达成一笔利率互换交易 B. 利率互换期权的标的利率只有LPR1Y C. 利率期权的卖方可以选择不行权 D. 利率期权的期权费为标的利率的波动率乘以期权名义本金 [单项选择]承包经营耕地的单位或个人连续两年弃耕的,( )。
A. 由原耕种地的集体或个人恢复耕种 B. 应按规定缴纳闲置费 C. 原发包单位应终止承包合同,收回发包的耕地 D. 由县级以上人民政府无偿收回用地单位的土地使用权 [单选题] 进入浓烟、高温、有毒等危险区域侦察时,错误的做法是()。
A. 要在进出口处登记姓名 B. 进出时间 C. 空(氧)气呼吸器压力 D. 未进行水枪进行掩护 我来回答: 提交