Jim Ayers had investigated all manner
of felonies in his fourteen-year career with the Oregon State Police. Like most
officers who had hired on as troopers, he was tall and well-muscled. He had
thick, wavy hair, and a rumbling deep voice. He had worked the road for eight
years, investigating accidents. He had seen much tragedy, but he had also
learned what was "normal" tragedy—if there could be such a thing—and what was
"abnormal" tragedy. Ayers had become an expert in both arson investigation and psychosexual crimes, and he had investigated innumerable homicides. Jerry Finch had a few years on him, both in age and experience. Together the two men drove to the scene at 79th and the Sunset, not knowing what to expect. The best detectives are not tough. If they were, they would not have the special intuitive sense that enables th A. describe the possibilities of further accidents. B. explain the perpetrator’s reasoning behind committing the crime in this way. C. show in a veiled way who committed the crime. D. show how good the detectives are. [判断题]ZYJ7及道岔转辙巡检,检查缺口目测表示杆错开距离,不达标时调整开程,定反位偏差不大于2mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]综合监控系统采用( )结构。
[单选题]清舱中发现的危险品可交( )处置。
A.执勤民警 B.航空公司地服 C.机场安检 D.机务 [填空题]试验装置的金属外壳应可靠接地;高压引线应尽量缩短,并采用()高压试验线,必要时用绝缘物支持牢固。
[多选题]联络线事故跳闸造成系统解列时,现场( )应立即向省调值班调度员汇报,经检查后若线路有电压且设备无异常时,应立即进行同期并列。
A.A.运行值班人员 B.B.运行值班班长 C.C.公司领导 D.D.工作票签发人 [判断题]对某一指标多次或连续超标的整改措施,班组要进行跟踪,并记入交接班日志,直至超标现象消除。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.91. 第91题操作票填写后,由监护人审核,复杂的倒闸操作经班组专业工程师或班长审核执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国现行的统计制度采用()搜集原始资料。
A.直接观察法 B.报告法 C.采访法 D.电话访问法 [单项选择]Maffucci综合征属于()。
A. 骨组织肿瘤 B. 软骨组织肿瘤 C. 纤维组织肿瘤 D. 骨髓组织肿瘤 E. 滑膜组织肿瘤 [单选题]两节车及以上常用制动无法施加,列车须( )
A.申请救援 B.清客下线 C.严禁出库 D.运行至终点下线 [单选题]()不停电更换电能表时,直接接入的电能表应将出线负荷断开,应有防止相间短路、相对地短路、电弧灼伤的措施。
A.出现侧 B.负荷侧 C.开关侧 D.电源侧 [多选题]广大党员要做到“四个合格”,是指__________。
A.政治合格 B.执行纪律合格 C.品德合格 D.发挥作用合格 E.充当改革先锋合格 [多项选择]关于小肠胰腺异位,叙述正确的是()
A. 多位于肠黏膜下 B. 可见于空肠Meckel憩室 C. 胰腺腺泡和导管为主要成分 D. 胰腺导管和平滑肌构成主要成分 E. 可发生急慢性胰腺炎及胰岛细胞瘤 [单选题]4.氟喹诺酮类中可用于结核病的是
A.氧氟沙星 B.环丙沙星 C.诺氟沙星 D.培氟沙星 E.依诺沙星 [多选题](1.0分)以下属于电话形象要素的有()
A.通话内容:语言.信息等内容 B.举止表现:神态.语气.态度.动作等等 C.通话时机,时机不对会影响工作效率.影响双方关系 D.公务性问题 我来回答: 提交