Ever since its discovery, Pluto has never really fitted in. After the pale and glowing giant Neptune, it is little more than a cosmic dust mite, swept through the farthest reaches of the solar system on a planet wildly tilted relative to the rest of the planets. It is smaller than Neptune’s largest moon, and the arc of its orbit is so oval that it occasionally crosses its massive blue neighbor’s path.
For years, it has been seen as our solar system’s oddest planet. Yesterday, however, scientists released perhaps the most convincing evidence yet that Pluto, in fact, is not a planet at all. For the first time, astronomers have peered into a belt of rocks beyond Pluto unknown until 10 years ago—and found a world that rivals Pluto in size. The scientists posit that larger rocks must be out there, perhaps even larger than Pluto, meaning Pluto is more likely the king of this distant realm of space detritus than the tiniest of the nine planets.
A. Rocks larger than Pluto have been found in the Kuiper Belt.
B. The Kuiper Belt did not exist when Pluto was first discovered.
C. The astronomers are divided with regard to the status of Pluto.
D. There is almost no difference between Pluto and other Kuiper Belt objects.
报价与标底的偏差程度 | -5%~-2.5% | -2.4%~0% | 0.1%~2.4% | [单项选择]()应遵循科学性、完备性、不相容性的原则
A. 信息采集 B. 信息分类 C. 信息汇总 D. 信息公布 [填空题]请写出两个运用博弈思想的事例()、()。
A.计划关系到组织的发展大计,和中、基层管理者无关 B.计划是计划部门做的事,和其他管理人员无关 C.计划是各层次、各部门的管理者乃至一般员工都要参与制定的,因此在相当程度上是组织中的一项全员活动 D.当环境不断变化时,计划也要不断调整,因此计划只有对组织的最高层才有意义 [多选题]办理现金出纳业务应坚持( )。
A.双人管库 B.双人守库 C.双人押运 D.双人查库 [判断题]专责监护人应是具有相关工作经验,熟悉设备情况和本规程的人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CCBⅡ制动机16CP模块控制制动缸的压力,相当于DK-1制动机分配阀的作用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]蒲黄除化瘀止血外,还有的功效是
A.利尿通淋 B.宁心安神 C.凉血通经 D.生津止呕 E.活血定痛 [单选题]下列货物中,不能使用“特殊货车及运送用具回送清单”免费运送的货物是( )。
A.回送路用散装粮食车 B.铁路空集装箱 C.修好返回的防湿篷布 D.装车备品 [多选题]大队、中队级单位防疫工作职责任务有哪些?
A.按照上级要求,落实各项防控措施,做好应急处置工作; B.负责防疫应急保障物资的申领、发放和登记工作; C.负责向支队报送疫情相关工作信息; D.做好上级部署的与疫情防控相关的其他工作。 [简答题]复杂调节回路控制方式切换步骤有哪些?
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A.实收资本 B.资本公积 C.投资风险准备金 D.呆账准备金 [判断题]LAC20156检查机舱外风速仪、风向标等,应使用安全带和单钩安全绳。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]现金清分指对人民币现金进行面额和套别区分、()、数量统计,并按照人民银行颁布的钞票流通标准进行质量分类的处理过程。
A.A:真假币鉴别 B.B:清点 C.C:捆扎 我来回答: 提交