Teachers need to be aware of the
emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And
they also need to give serious (21) to how they can be
best (22) such changes. Growing bodies need movement and
(23) , but not just in ways that emphasize competition.
(24) they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of
new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially
self-conscious and need the (25) that comes from achieving
success and knowing that their accomplishments are (26) by
others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much
com petition that it would be (27) to plan activities in
which there are more winners than losers, (28) , publishing
newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (29)
student artw A. similar B. long C. different D. short [判断题]生产经营单位因改制、破产、收购、重组等发生产权变动的,在产权变动完成前,安全生产的相关责任主体不变,产权变动完成后,由受让方承担安全生产责任受让方为两个以上的,由各受让方承担安全生产责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]采用惰性气体保护焊时,对焊接不允许使用强制冷却,原因是会使焊缝金属变硬、强度太大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《中华人民共和国公司法》规定,股份有限公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币( )万元。
A.100 B.300 C.500 D.800 [单选题]提示原发型免疫缺陷病的最主要的是( )
A. 体质弱、消瘦 B. 伴先天畸形 C. 体格发育迟缓 D. 经常反复感染 E. 神经系统 [单选题]红布幔适用于( )上进行工作时,将检修设备与运行设备前后以明显的标志隔开。
A.A.一次系统 B.B.机械系统 C.C.二次系统 D.D.水工系统 [判断题]导游员小张在带团前往韩国旅游过程中,发现游客老赵擅自脱离团队。对此,
旅行社应当及时向公安机关、外事部门或旅游主管部门报告。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]核衣壳是病毒体的主要结构,核衣壳的组成成分是()
A. 衣壳和囊膜 B. 衣壳和核酸 C. 囊膜和核酸 D. 核酸和包膜 E. 核酸和囊膜 [多选题].一般列车相撞事故,应按出动计划迅速调派( )进行救援。
A.辖区中队 B.特勤中队 C.城市特勤大队 D.跨区域特勤力量 我来回答: 提交