Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk or a headstrong toddler starting to talk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their initial efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skill. It is only several years later, around the start of middle or junior high school, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed and end up joining the ranks of underachievers.
It’s not quite that simple. “Kids can be given the opportunities to become passionate about a subject or activity, but they can’t be forced, ” says Jacquelynne Eccles, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, who led a landmark, 25-year study examining what motivated first grade students in three school districts. Even so, a growing number of educators and psychologists do believe
A. Howard’s Istitute aims to help the students in Boston.
B. Most of the students feel their classwork irrelevant to their ambitions.
C. The students have to do some volunteer work as their homework.
D. Michael is the president as well as a professor of the Efficacy institute.
Effective Job Descriptions{{/B}} A job description describes the major areas of an employee’s job or position. A good job description begins with a careful{{U}} (19) {{/U}}of the important facts about a job, such as the individual tasks{{U}} (20) {{/U}}the methods used to complete the tasks, the purpose and responsibilities of the job, the{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of the job to other jobs, and the{{U}} (22) {{/U}}needed for the job. It’s important to{{U}} (23) {{/U}}a job description practical by keeping it dynamic, functional, and current. Don’t get stuck with an A. involved B. engaged C. accepted D. met [判断题]瓦斯爆炸的最高浓度16%,称为爆炸上限;瓦斯爆炸的最低浓度5%,称为爆炸下限。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]被许可人需要延续依法取得的行政许可的有效期的,
行政机关应当()。 A.根据申请,在该行政许可有效期届满前作出是否准予延 续的决定 B.根据申请,在该行政许可有效期届满三十日前作出是否 准予延续的决定 C.行政机关逾期未作决定的,视为准予延续 D.行政机关逾期未作决定的,视为不准延续 [多选题]以下()等场所不得存放易燃
A.营业厅 B.计量库房 C.充换电站 D.实验室 [单选题]信息系统( )时,工作票可不经工作票签发人书面签发,但应经工作票签发人同意,并在工作票备注栏中注明.
A.日常运维 B.故障紧急抢修 C.计划检修 D.机房巡视 [判断题] ( )离心泵的特点之一是有很大的操作弹性,能在相当广泛的流量范围内操作。泵的铭牌上标明的数值是该泵在效率最高点上的性能(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](单选题). 使用天平称量样品时不正确的方法是( )
A.称量样品时可以使用前门 B.热、冷样品应放在干燥器中放置至室温后再称量 C.称量样品时称量物或砝码均应放在称量盘正中 D.应防止手汗沾污增加质量半行实验可以用两台经检定合格的天平 [判断题]《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位必须执行依法制定的保障安全生产的国家标准或者行业标准。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]施工计划按时间分类( )。
A.月计划 B.周、双周计划 C.日补充计划 D.临时补修计划 [多选题]书面记录包括()等。
A.作业指导书(卡) B.派工单 C.任务单 D.工作记录 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交