{{B}} Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} Darwin’s great work, The Origin of Species, is now generally accepted as one of the most important books ever written. But when it first came out in 1859, it was both derided and bitterly condemned by scientists and laymen. Much of opposition to The Origin of Species arose from Darwin’s claim that all living creatures, including man, are somehow related. Many people were outraged by the suggestion that man shared a common ancestor with animals such as apes and monkeys. They attacked Darwin for saying that man had descended from the apes. But Darwin never actually said this. He believed that modern men and modern apes have both descended from the same ancestor. But at some time in pre-history, millions of years ago, men and apes began to develop A. A creature which can live on the land. B. A creature which can live in the water. C. A creature which can live both on the land and in the water. D. An animal which can crawl [多项选择]
某A施工公司承接一大型项目,因施工周期长,资金周转需求量大,拟以融资租赁方式向B设备租赁公司取得三台中联重科生产的TC5613塔式起重机用于施工,A、B公司双方合同约定:租赁期满,三台机归A公司所有;租赁期内由A公司承担租赁设备的全部管理。 A. 中联重科 B. B公司 C. 安装单位 D. 检验检测机构 [单选题]汽车行驶时,路面作用在车轮上的力经过转向器可大部分传递给转向盘,这种转向器称为( )转向器。
A.可逆式; B.不可逆式; C.极限可逆式; D.极限不可逆式 [填空题]当缓冲页面输出时,若要删除缓冲区中的所有HTML输出,应调用Response对象的()方法;若要可以立即发送缓冲区中的输出,应调用Response对象的()方法;若要使用Web 服务器停止处理脚本并返回当前结果,应调用()方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述党的思想路线的基本内容。
[单项选择]Capital (inflows) will also (tend to) increase the international value of the dollar, (make) it more difficult to sell U.S. (exports).
A. inflows B. tend to C. make D. exports [多项选择]使用抽取原理的具体措施包括()。
A. 从物体中拆出“干扰”部分 B. 将物体中的关键部分挑选或分离出来 C. 用电离射线处理空气或氧气 D. 用惰性环境代替通常环境 [单项选择]You’ve probably had the experience of having someone fall in love with you when you didn’t feel the same way. In such a case it’s hard to know what to do. You don’t want to be so obvious in your efforts that you make an enemy of him.
A friend of mine had this problem and handled it in the most tactful (得体的) way I’ve ever seen. Instead of telling her admirer directly, she devoted herself to introducing him to every girl she knew. Whenever she had a date with him, she arranged to drop in at the home of one of her girl friends. At last he clicked (一见如故) with one of these girls, and then everyone was happy. My friend was rid of a problem and she still had the young man as a friend, which was just what she wanted him to be. Of course this solution may not work for you. You may have your own way of dealing with the problem. But whatever you decide to do, keep one thing in mind—the boy in question has feelings every bit as sensitive as your own. So try to find a way of discouraging A. telling her admirer directly B. keeping on dating with her admirer C. avoiding meeting her admirer any more D. bringing her admirer together with another girl and still having him as a friend [单选题]结肠手术前传统的肠道准备方法不包括下列哪项:( )
A.控制饮食 B.口服甘露醇 C.清洁肠道 D.应用肠道抑菌剂 [单选题]《行规》设有双向闭塞设备的双线自动闭塞区间办理反方向发车的补充规定中,车站值班员在办理反方向行车前,须得到列车调度员的调度命令,( )车站值班员共同确认区间空闲。
A.本站 B.两端站 C.前方站 D.对方站 [单项选择]
A. 690150 B. 59250 C. 46300 D. 61000 [判断题]生物量和生产量都是表示植物有机的物质积累量,所以是同一个概念。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]物体表面所辐射的红外能量与其()和()有关发射率值主要取决于物体的材料及其表面特性。为了获得准确、可靠的测量结果请按照被测材料的种类调整发射率值。
A.A.体积 B.B.湿度 C.C.发射率 D.D.温度 [判断题]各类台车避车洞交叉口等瓦斯易于积聚的部位均必须布置监测探头。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](2013年)甲公司是一家生产高档不锈钢表壳的企业,产品以出口为主,以美元为结算货币。公司管理层召开会议讨论如何管理汇率风险,与会人员提出不少对策。关于这些对策,以下表述正确的是( )。
A.部门经理刘某提出“风险规避”策略:从国外进口相关的原材料,这样可以用外币支付采购货款,抵消部分人民币升值带来的影响 B.业务员李某提出“风险对冲”策略:运用套期保值工具来控制汇率风险 C.财务部小王提出“风险转移”策略:干脆公司把目标客户从国外转移到国内,退出国外市场,这样就从根本上消除了汇率风险 D.负责出口业务的副总张某提出“风险控制”策略:加强对汇率变动趋势的分析和研究,以减少汇率风险带来的损失 [填空题]根据新知识与原有认知结构的关系,知识学习分为下位学习.上位学习和( )。
A. 教师 B. 金融工作者 C. 矿工 D. 政府官员 [填空题]对于较高的立式容器筒体组装一般采用()方法。
[简答题]撤离时,要匀速快步行走,当感到呼吸困难时,更要加快速度跑步撤离。( )
[单选题]关于公民的权利能力和行为能力,表述正确的是( )。
A.公民具有权利能力必须首先具有行为能力 B.公民的权利能力和行为能力不能分离 C.公民具有权利能力,并不必然具有行为能力 D.公民丧失行为能力,也就意味着权利能力的丧失 [判断题]( )(J错误-ED05)挤压就是压缩。(0.5分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]IONSCAN 400B爆炸物探测器报警结果包括以下主要项目:()。
A. 报警名称 B. 相对强度 C. 频道名称 D. 频道参数 [多项选择]下列属于皂基稠化剂的有()。
A. 钙 B. 硅胶 C. 锂 D. 铜 E. 铝 F. 锌 [单项选择]甲型肝炎是()
A. 血液传播 B. 飞沫传播 C. 唾液传播 D. 食物传播 E. 蚊虫传播 [多选题]基金半年度报告披露的信息( )。
A.需要提供最近三个会计年度的主要会计数据 B.不需要审计 C.管理人报告需披露内部监察报告 D.无需披露最近3年每年的净值增长率 [单选题]_____是激励全党全国各族人民奋勇前进的强大精神力量。
A.A.中国特色社会主义道路 B.B.中国特色社会主义理论体系 C.C.中国特色社会主义制度 D.D.中国特色社会主义文化 [多选题]对汽轮机叶片进行有无裂纹的外观检查时常用的方法有( )两种。
A.透视探伤法 B.听音法 C.超声波探伤法 D.宏观法 [多选题]降低台区线损的措施可分为( )。
A.以包代管 B.以罚代管 C.技术措施 D.管理措施 [简答题]简述犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解的概念和特征。
A.北京 B.上海 C.郑州 D.沈阳 [判断题]培育和践行社会主义核心价值观必须从小抓起、从学校抓起。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交