Teachers and parents usually call attention to the pictures when they read storybooks to preschool children. But a study published in 2011 suggests that calling attention to the words and letters on the page may lead to better readers.
The two-year study compared children who were read to this way in class with children who were not. Those whose teachers most often discussed the print showed clearly higher skills in reading, spelling and understanding. These results were found one year and even two years later.
Shayne Piasta, an assistant professor of teaching and learning at Ohio State University, was an author of the study. She says most preschool teachers would find this method manageable and would need only a small change in the way they teach. They already read storybooks in class. The only difference would be increased attention to the printed text.
Ms. Piasta says if you get children to pay attention to letters and words, it makes sense that they wi
A. children will recognize more words.
B. children would like to read more storybooks.
C. children will spell words more correctly.
D. D. both Aand
Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Parents can have a great impact on the development of their children’s creativity in art. But first,they have to know how. They may find the following advice interesting and instructive. Encourage free drawing rather than coloring books. Coloring books stop the possibility of self-expression. A child may just enjoy colorful pictures and never learn how to express himself. As an art teacher says,“Children have a very powerful instinct to draw freely and roughly. Such practice makes them learn language easily. ”In fact,a child expresses himself in rough drawing. This is the beginning of literacy and creativity. Also,parents should not teach their kids“how”to draw and they should not make their kids d A. children should be encouraged to draw freely B. children should follow their parents’ examples C. parents should know how to cultivate their kids’ creativity D. most parents teach their kids confidently and instructively [简答题]浊水溪由东向西流经哪几个县?全长多少公里?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]公务员定期考核的结果分为()四个等次。
[单选题]道德起源的首要前提是( )
A.劳动 B.社会关系 C.人的自我意识 D.人际交往 [多选题]影响混凝土强度的因素有()。P61
A.水泥标号 B.水灰比 C.温度和湿度 D.龄期 E.骨料表面特征 [单项选择]
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