Although the American civilization took
over and replaced the frontier over a century ago, the heritage of the frontier
is still evident in the United States today. Many people are still fascinated by
the frontier because it has been particularly important in shaping American
values. For many years, the frontier experience was romanticized in popular
movies and television shows that featured cowboy heroes fighting Indian
villains. Little attention was given to the tragic story of what really happened
to Native Americans. Today, most Americans are more aware of the darker side of
the settling of the continent, when thousands of Native American Indians were
killed, their lands were taken, and much of their culture was
destroyed. The American frontier consists of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found A. The settling of the frontier did little to affect the lives of the Native American Indians. B. Native American Indians were featured as heroes in many popular movies and TV shows. C. The culture of Native American Indians was protected as the settlers moved farther to settle one frontier area after another. D. In the history more attention was paid to the heroic settling of the West than to the miseries it caused to Native American Indians. [单项选择]水痘的好发年龄是
A. 1岁以内 B. 1岁-4岁 C. 5岁-8岁 D. 9岁—12岁 E. 儿童时期任何年龄 [单选题]通电直导线周围磁场的方向,通常采用()进行判定。
A.左手螺旋定则 B.右手螺旋定则 C.顺时针定则 D.逆时针定则 [单选题] 对阿拉伯半岛统一起了促进作用的宗教是(
A. 佛教 B. 基督教 C. 伊斯兰教 D. 道教 [多选题]对氢氧化钠洗消剂的调配比例错误的是( )。
A.1—10%水溶液 B.5—15%水溶液 C.10-20%水溶液 D.15-30%水溶液 [填空题]全列采用双管供风的旅客列车途中因故改为单管供风后,不再恢复(),直至终到站。
A.市场性 B.投资范围有限定性和非限定性之分 C.客户资产必须进行托管 D.通过专门账户投资运作 [填空题]I proposed that their offer could be accepted.
[单项选择]某生产企业为增值税一般纳税人(位于市区),主要经营内销和出口业务,2009年4月实际缴纳增值税40万元,出口货物免抵税额4万元。另外,进口货物缴纳增值税17万元,缴纳消费税30万元。该企业2009年4月应纳城市维护建设税( )万元。
A. 2.80 B. 3.08 C. 2.52 D. 5.81 [判断题]操作票应用黑色和蓝色的钢(水)笔或圆珠笔逐项填写。操作票票面上的时间、地点、线路名称、杆号(位置)、设备双重名称、动词等关键字。若有个别错、漏字需要修改、补充时,应使用规范的符号,字迹应清楚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]要得到供向座舱的具有适当温度的空调气,其控制原理是:().
A. 按需要控制进入空调组件的引气流量 B. 按需要控制冷、热路空气的流量并使之混合 C. 直接控制供入座舱的空气流量 D. 直接控制座舱向外界的排气流量 [判断题]滚动轴承内圈与轴的配合,采用间隙配合。()
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