{{B}}The End
of the Cash Era{{/B}} In the spring Adam Smith will replace Sir Edward Elgar as the face on Britain’s £20 note. The first economic thinker to be so honored could well be the last. Not because economists are especially undeserving, but because cash, after millennia as one of mankind’s most versatile and enduring technologies, looks set over the next 15 years or so finally to melt away into an electronic stream of ones and zeros. If an era is represented by its money, the information age is at hand. Notes and coins are already a small fraction of the money in most rich countries. But going by the number of transactions rather than their value, we still live firmly in a cash society. The European Payments Council estimates that the European Union’s 360 billion cash trans [简答题]列检作业场在现场作业时如何更换铁路货车折角塞门总成?
[判断题] 配砟整形车在电气化区段作业,接近接触网支柱时,应停车收回侧犁,通过后再进行作业,在道心内有障碍物时应及时收回中心犁( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按( )可将风险分为纯风险和投机风险。
A.风险影响范围 B.风险后果 C.风险的来源 D.风险是否可管理 [判断题]采用逐步结转分步法计算成本时,各步骤的费用由两部分组成,一部分是本步骤发生的费用,另一部分是上一步骤转入的半成品成本。( )
A.仅以惊厥为主诉 B.早期出现脑实质损害 C.脑膜刺激征阳性 D.早期出现肢体瘫痪 E.昏迷或半昏迷 [单选题]S410T11.S019 水力机械设备检修时,断开停运检修设备的电源是指断开其动力电源和( )电源。
A.事故照明 B.备用 C.控制 D.临时 [多项选择]下列哪些判决、裁定是有执行效力的判决和裁定
A. 已过法定上诉和抗诉期限未提出上诉、抗诉的第一审的判决、裁定 B. 当事人提出申诉的终审的判决和裁定 C. 最高人民法院核准的死刑判决 D. 高级人民法院核准的死刑缓期2年执行的判决 [简答题]某企业2011年涉及到印花税的业务如下:
(1)公司2010年设立时注册资本1000万元,资本公积200万元。公司2011年新启用设置账簿20本,其中包括实收资本、资本公积账簿各1本,实收资本和资本公积的金额与设立时相比无变动。 (2)以无形资产向某生产企业投资,按合同约定以未来三年销售收入的20%为回报。 (3)签订以物易物交易合同一份,用自产产品换取房屋,合同注明的交易价值为200万元。 (4)企业每月均因购销业务需签订运输合同,本月因材料购进及产品销售签订运输保管合同一份,合同注明:货物金额150万元,运输费用10万元、装卸费用0.30万元。 (5)与财务公司签订抵押贷款合同一份,贷款金额是100万元,贷款期限是1年,贷款年利率是10%;办理抵押的房产价值500万元。 (6)受托加工制作一台专用机械,双方签订的加工承揽合同中分别注明加工费50000元,受托方提供价值100000元的主要材料,并由受托方提供价值4000元的辅助材料。 要求:根据上述资料,按下列序号计算有关纳税事项,每问需计算出合计数。 计算企业2011年营业账薄应缴纳的印花税; [单选题]涉及结构安全的试块试件和材料见证取样和送检的比例不得低于有关技术标准中规定应取样数量的( ),
A.10% B.20% C.30% D.40% [单项选择]与表面光滑的工件相比,检验表面粗糙的工件时,一般应采用()
A. 较低频率的探头和较粘的耦合剂 B. 较高频率的探头和较粘的耦合剂 C. 较高频率的探头和粘度较小的耦合剂 D. 较低频率的探头和粘度较小的耦合剂 [判断题]智能视频分析的编码器进行绊线检测配置业务中,绊线检测作用是:检测是否有人、物体或者车辆突然从某个指定方向越过预定边界,系统会进行单向或双向规则检测。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对联是中国特有的文学______。
A. 作品 B. 手段 C. 方式 D. 形式 [单项选择]分销渠道内()决定了分销渠道的宽度。
A. 每个层次上使用同种类型中间商数量的多少 B. 每个层次上对同类型商品需求量的大小 C. 层次数量的多少 D. 每个层次上中间商效率的高低 [单选题]天窗作业结束后,工务专业技术人员添乘确认列车,对线路状态、周边环境进行检查确认。
A.对 B.错 C.a、轨道车 D.b、单机 E.c、动车 [多项选择]下面对于传统营销观念中的推销观念描述正确的是()。
A. 推销观念产生于资本主义国家由“卖方市场”向“买方市场”过渡的阶段,其主要表现是“我推销什么,你就买什么” B. 推销观念认为“只要产品质量好,就一定有销路” C. 推销观念认为,消费者通常不会主动选择和购买某种商品,而只能通过推销的刺激作用,诱导其产生购买行为 D. 推销观念认为企业只要努力推销某种产品,消费者就会更多地购买该产品 E. 以上都不对 [多选题]作为中国科技成就重大标志的 “两弹一星”是指( )
A.原子弹 B.氢弹 C.导弹 D.人造地球卫星 [单选题]无线调车灯显设备显示绿、黄灯交替后( )是溜放信号。
A.白灯长亮 B.黄灯长亮 C.绿灯长亮 D.灯光熄灭 [判断题]突发性设备故障和灾害紧急抢修及设备状态超过临时补修标准,重伤设备处理等需临时封锁要点或综合检测列车及设备管理单位发现160km/h以上区段行车设备需要临时施工(维修)需临时封锁要点时,施工、维修单位通过施工系统提报临时计划,由配合单位会签、业务部审核后,经分管运输副总经理(总调度长)批准,调度所安排实施。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Brotherly Love
Adidas and Puma have been two of the biggest names in sports shoe manufacturing for over half a century. Since 1928 they have supplied shoes for Olympic athletes,World Cup一winning football heroes,Muhammad Ali,hip hop stars and rock musicians famous all over the world.But the story of these two companies begins in one hoise in the town of Herzogenaurach,Germany. Adolph and Rudolph Dassler were the sons of a shoemaker.They loved sport but complained that they could never find comfortable shoes to play in.Rudolph always said,“You cannot play sports wearing shoes that you'd walk around town with.”So they started making their own.In 1920 Adolph made the first pair of athletics shoes with spikes(钉),produced on the Dasslers,kitchen table. On 1st July 1924 they formed a shoe company,Dassler Brothers Ltd and they worked together for many years.The company became successful and it provided the shoes for Germany's athletes at the 1928 and 1932 Olympic Games. But in 1948 the brothers argued.No one knows exactly what happened,but family mem-bers have suggested that the argument was about money or women.The result was that Ad-olph left the company.His nickname was Adi,and using this and the first three letters of the family name,Dassler,he founded Adidas. Rudolph relocated across the River Aurach and founded his own company too.At first he wanted to call it Ruda,but eventually he called it Puma,after the wild cat.The famous Pu-ma logo of the jumping cat has hardly changed since. After the big split of 1948 Adolph and Rudolph never spoke to each other again and their companies have now been in competition for over sixty years.Both companies were for many years the market leaders,though Adidas has always been more successful than Puma.A hip hop group,Run DMC,has even written a song called“My Adidas”and in 2005 Adidas bought Reebok,another big sports shoe company. The terrible family argument should really be forgotten,but ever since it happened, over sixty years ago,the town has been split into two.Even now,some Adidas employees and Puma employees don't talk to each other. Adidas and Puma began to make shoes at the end of 19th century. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mention [单选题]当设备发生故障,需在双线区间的一条线路上处理故障时,维护单位应按规定向列车调度员申请邻线限速(最高速度不得超过( )km/h)
A.160 B.120 C.100 [多选题] 采集系统运行维护闭环管理流程包括( )。
A. 采集调试 B. 派工 C. 处理 D. 评价 278—2018],第三章第十七条 [单项选择]在MicrosoftFrontPage中,()可以删除被选择框架。
A. 执行“编辑”→“删除”操作 B. 按键盘上的Delete键 C. 右击该框架,在快捷菜单中选择“删除框架” D. 执行“框架”→“删除框架”操作 [名词解释]塔顶热气相介质旁通管
[单项选择]Perfect community living is here, and its name is Green Cliff! Construction has been slow, but we wanted to get everything just right. And now we have 58 units of stylish, modern living spaces available in a variety of sizes and rent levels. You have to see them to believe them!
Our pre-registration period ends today, May 1. Over half of the apartments are already filled, and to show our gratitude to these early leasers, the Green Cliff community is throwing a public barbecue party on Friday, May 15. There will be free food, drinks, and even a temporary swimming pool that we’re renting for the day! For those of you who are thinking about moving into Green Cliff but haven’t decided yet, this is the perfect opportunity for you to come see what it’s all about! The party runs from noon to 6:00 pm and is open to the public. We know you’ll be impressed by this complex and community like none other. Our central garden offers a place for residents to get together and relax in the sha A. A community security system B. A resident-only swimming pool C. A contemporary design style D. A central meeting area [单项选择]关于分页式虚拟存储器的论述,正确的是()。
A. 根据程序的模块性,确定页面大小 B. 可以将程序放置在页面内的任意位置 C. 可以从逻辑上极大地扩充内存容量,并且使内存分配方便、利用率高 D. 将正在运行的程序全部装入内存 [单项选择]异物引起的阻塞性肺炎常不出现()
A. 小叶或小叶融合阴影 B. 肺段实变 C. 肺叶实变 D. 肺体积缩小 E. 肺门部肿块 [单选题]在螺纹道钉硫磺锚固作业中,熔制混合溶液,需放入硫磺、水泥、砂子和石蜡,正确的放入顺序是()。
A.先放硫磺,再放砂子和水泥,最后放石蜡 B.先放砂子,再放硫磺和水泥,最后放石蜡 C.先放水泥,再放硫磺,最后放石蜡和砂子 D.先放砂子,再放水泥,最后放硫磺和石蜡 [单选题]道岔辙叉号数选择,侧向接发停车旅客列车的单开道岔,不得小于()。
A.A.12 B.B.9 C.C.7 D.D.6 [简答题]日本政府正努力帮助国内各主要机场的国际航线登机手续引入脸部识别系统,尽快实现“刷脸”登机服务,以提高办理手续效率、缩短旅客等待时间。从今年春季起,成田机场和羽田机场将在部分国际线路启动这一服务,关西机场也正在积极探讨引入该服务。
[填空题]巨大的物件是指:运输专用车辆装载的物件高度从地面起超过( )米、宽度超过车厢、长度前端超过车身、后端超过车厢( )米、超出部分( )
[单选题]( )申请信贷业务应当在农村信用社已开立基本帐户或一般存款帐户,自愿接受农村信用社信贷监督和结算监督,定期、如实向信用社报送有关资料和财务报表。
A.客户 B.农户 C.企业 [单选题]以下不属于区公司劳动用工管理职责的是()。
A.A、制定劳动合同、员工流动、工时休假等管理制度 B.B、对用工管理工作进行监督检查 C.C、负责全区职位管理与人员配置 D.D、界定业务外包范围 [单选题]下列案件中,犯罪嫌疑人没有委托辩护人,公安机关应当通知法律援助机构指派律师为其提供辩护的是()。
A.在一起团伙盗窃案件中,犯罪嫌疑人陈某、萧某委托了辩护人,而李某未委托辩护人 B.王某涉嫌故意杀人,认为自己罪有应得,明确表示不需要委托辩护人 C.张某涉嫌故意伤害致王某轻伤,未委托辩护人 D.外国人约翰涉嫌诈骗,未委托辩护人 我来回答: 提交