"Water, which is essential for life,
costs nothing. On the other hand, diamonds, which are essential for nothing,
cost a lot." Unfortunately, the world has changed considerably since an 18th
century economist made this remark. What was true over 200 years ago is certainly no longer true now. In a number of countries people pay as much for water in their homes as they do for electricity. Like health, we ignore water when we have it--unless there are floods, of course. Once there is a threat to our water supply, however, water can quickly become the only thing that matters. We know only too well that, without water, there can be no life. The situation is now becoming so bad that environmentalists feel it may be necessary to shock the world into saving water in a similar way to the shock caused by the oil crises in the 1970’s. At th A. (A) People now pay as much for water as they did 200 years ago. B. (B) People now pay as little for water as they did 200 years ago. C. (C) Water now costs as much as it used to. D. (D) Water now has become more expensive than it was. [单选题]地面的配电变压器应有箱式外壳或安全围栏,并设置“()”等标示牌。
A.禁止攀登,高压危险! B.高压危险,禁止攀登! C.止步,高压危险! D.止步,有电危险! [判断题]14. 密贴调整过紧会造成ZD6道岔空动距离小
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]检查中发现轮胎气压低于标准气压40%以上的轮胎必须拆检。
[单选题]根据《建设工程施工专业分包合同(示范文本)》,关于专业工程分包人责任和义务的说法,正确的是( )。
A.分包人应允许发包人授权的人员在工作时间内合理进入分包工程施工场地 B.分包人必须服从发包人直接发出的指令 C.遵守政府有关主管部门的管理规定但不用办理有关手续 D.分包人可以直接与发包人或工程师发生直接工作联系 [判断题]逾期三年以上的应收款项,企业有依法催收磋商记录的,可以认定为损失。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]信息系统建设项目必须经过立项审批后方可启动费用申请、集中采购及项目实施工作
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]2.762.第762题35千伏变电所,自然功率因数未达到规定标准应装设并联电容装置,宜装设在主变压器的低压侧或主要负荷侧。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有限空间应急救援预案每两年至少进行一次演练,并不断进行修改完善。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交