根据以下资料,回答24~33题: 张先生今年40岁,妻35岁,单薪家庭,有一小孩10岁,现在住的房子价值40万元,无贷款。张先生有10万元存款,计划换房总价100万元,但是换房的结果,将花光这笔存款,并且以又背上50万元的负债,想要60岁退休的梦想可能不易实现。假设张先生家庭年收入10万,年支出6万元,退休后年支出4万元,房贷利率4%。目前的支出不包括小孩上大学时的额外开销。工作期的实质报酬率8%,退休后的实质报酬率按5%计算,退休后生活按20年计算。 |
We all age at different rates.
Heredity clearly plays an important part. But recent research studies by
gerontologists indicate that life-style may be equally significant in
determining who will remain youthful. As a rule, single men and women have shorter lives than married men and women. Studies show that those who have been widowed, especially men, have a longer life expectancy if they remarry soon. Both men and women seem to have a greater resistance to disease and death when their marriage is undamaged. According to a 1960 study, women who have borne three children have the lowest mortality rates. Those who have borne four or more have the highest. Childless women and those with only one child generally don’t live as long as mother of two or three, according to University of Chicago sociologists Evenly M. Kitagawa and A. Enjoying life is one of the best ways to lengthen it. B. Teaching others to live an active life. C. Avoiding death is more important than living. D. We should use our senses keenly. [简答题]电梯大修后要进行哪些项目的试验?
A. 只有甲对 B. 只有乙对 C. 甲乙都对 D. 甲乙都错 [单选题]昌盛国有公司业务经理杨某在与永胜有限公司签订合同过程中,严重不负责任,盲目轻信永胜公司的意思表示,在永胜公司不具有履行合同的条件下,草率与其签订合同,以致上当受骗,造成国家直接经济损失60万元。杨某的行为构成()
A.渎职罪 B.玩忽职守罪 C.签订、履行合同失职被骗罪 D.国有公司、企业、事业单位人员失职罪 [单选题]灭火器使用时,手握上部,将铅封拔掉,大拇指按住开启钮,用力按下即能喷射。这种使用方法正确吗? ( ) A.正确; B.错误。
A.A B.B [多选题]【多选题】
哪些方式可以修改OSPF的接口开销? A.在interface视图下,执行命令ospf cost B.在ospf视图下,执行命令interface cost C.在ospf视图下,执行bandwidth-reference D.在interface视图下,执行命令bandwidth-reference [单项选择]在来料加工和补偿贸易中常使用的信用证是:()
A. 循环信用证 B. 对开信用证 C. 对背信用证 D. 预支信用证 [单项选择]负责各部门及分支机构满意度改善计划实施的跟踪与督办的是()。
A. 人力资源部 B. 总经理办公室 C. 公司指定部门 D. 分管领导 [单选题]改变电磁型过电流继电器线圈连接方式,主要用于改变继电器的( )。
A.返回系数 B.动作电流 C.返回电流 D.动作电流和返回电流 [单选题]化简的结果是( )。
A.cos100° B.sin80° C.cos80° D.cos10° 我来回答: 提交