该结石的成分多为()【提示】经上述治疗后得到的结石外观为灰白色,质地脆,容易被粉碎。 Genetically modified (GM) foodstuffs
are here to stay. That’s not to say that food produced by conventional
agriculture will disappear, (61) simply that foodbuying
patterns will polarize. It may even be that GM food will become the food of
(62) because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of
reduced pesticide use. The reason GM food will not go away is that we need a three-fold increase in food production by the year 2050 to keep (63) with the world’s (64) population growth to ten or eleven billion. It’s not just a question of more mouths to feed either. (65) is often forgotten is that all these extra people will take up space,reducing the overall land (66) for agriculture. It may well be that in the long term it is the developing world (67) benefits most from GM foods. It’s true A. appear B. disappear C. disclose D. expose [单选题]绶带与春秋常服搭配时应当( )
A.都在左边; B.都在右边; C.男左女右; D.左右皆可 [多项选择]根据我国法律规定,商检机构对出口商品实施检验的标准包括( )。
A. 生产国标准 B. 样品标准 C. 外贸合同约定的检验标准 D. 法律、行政法规规定的强制性标准 [简答题]在86版电视剧《西游记》中,饰演孙悟空的是六小龄童,那么饰演猪八戒的是谁?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三不,是生产过程和检验验收中的一个简略用语。即:不合格的材料不投产,不合格的零件不装配、( )。
A.不合格的产品不出厂 B.不合格的产品不使用 C.不合格的产品不放过 D.不合格的产品不配套 [单项选择]When did the violence start
A. Days ago. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday. D. On saucy. [单项选择]男性,48岁,“急性出血坏死性胰腺炎”术后23天,已经深静脉导管行TPN治疗20天。今日突发寒战、高热,T39.8℃,头痛、头晕、面色潮红。病人极度烦躁,P132次/分钟,R36次/分钟。血常规检查:白细胞计数25×109/L,中性核左移。
此时应首先考虑病人为 A. 静脉导管感染引起脓毒症 B. 肠源性感染引起脓毒症 C. 切口感染引起脓毒症 D. 坏死组织毒素吸收引起毒血症 E. 腹腔内感染引起脓毒症 [单选题]你船追越前船,被追越船为避让前方来船鸣一短声右转,你船应_________ 。
A.回答一短声 B.鸣五短声 C.不必回答声号 D.增速追越 [判断题]
自动启动的自动扶梯应在人站上梯级时,扶梯就应启动。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车票是铁路承运人和旅客之间的铁路运输合同凭证。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交