Reading involves looking at graphic
symbols and formulating mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts
of reading have changed{{U}} (67) {{/U}}over the centuries. During the
1950s and 1960s especially, increased attention has been devoted to{{U}}
(68) {{/U}}and describing the reading process. {{U}} (69)
{{/U}}specialists agree that reading {{U}} (70) {{/U}} a complex
organization of higher mental {{U}} (71) {{/U}}, they disagree
{{U}} (72) {{/U}}the exact nature of the process. Some experts, who
regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds,
{{U}} (73) {{/U}}reading as simply the decoding of symbols to the sounds
they stand {{U}} (74) {{/U}}. These authorities {{U}} (75) {{/U}} that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught independently of the decoding process. Others maintain tha A. such B. so C. so as D. such as [多选题]典型牵引变电所AC35KVGIS设备整流变开关柜,用()表示。
A.306A B.306B C.307A D.307B [单项选择]中华人民共和国国家标准的符号是()。
A. GB,GB/T B. GJ,GJ/T C. JG,JG/T D. GBZ,GBZ/T E. WS,WS/T [单选题]电缆隧道、偏僻山区、夜间、事故或恶劣天气等巡视工作,应至少( )人一组进行。
A.两 B.三 C.四 D.五 [单项选择]太阳黑子活动的平均周期约为()
A. 10年 B. 11年 C. 22年 D. 76年 [单选题]女性40岁,近2个月来间断出现左侧乳头血性溢液。局部乳房无明显红、肿、乳头时有血性溢液增多,乳房内未扪及肿块。首先考虑的疾病是
A. 纤维腺瘤 B.乳腺囊性增生病 C. 乳管内乳头状瘤 D. 乳癌 E. 急性乳房炎 [简答题]内囊位于何处?一侧损伤后,病人会有哪些临床表现?
[判断题]《信贷业务“双录”管理办法(试行)》规定:农商银行应按照法律法规的规定维护客户信息安全,履行保密义务,保护客户隐私,可以录制、下载相关影像资料。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]氧气瓶、乙炔瓶在使用中不得靠近( ),与明火距离大于( )。
A.热源 B.10m C.5m D.燃烧物 E.20m F.略 G.略 H.略 [单选题]地震救援专业队遂行任务,携行装备物资应实施标准化、( )运输投送。( )
A. 模块化 B. 专业化 C. 智能化 D. 扁平化 [单选题]中年男性患者,近两周来出现头晕乏力,鼻腔出血等症,查体:颈部浅表淋巴结肿大,下肢少许瘀斑。白细胞16.6×109/L,原始细胞0.60,血红蛋白80g/L,血小板34×109/L。
A.血小板抗体 B.血清铁蛋白 C.骨髓扫描 D.淋巴结活检 E.骨髓涂片细胞学检查 [单选题]本书认为,真正的天才不会(),而是解放人,并为他增加新的感受。
A.陷人于贫困 B.折磨人 C.折腾人 D.搞死人 [单项选择]Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were ______.
A. on the verge B. on the sly C. on the spot D. on the loose [多选题]应按照物料验收制度验收货物,确保到货物料符合质量要求()
A.来料时应核对物料品种、数量是否与采购订单一致,并查验和保存当批物料的出厂检验报告 B.应检查物料包装密封性及运输工具的卫生情况,核查标签标识是否符合要求 C.按抽样制度进行抽样,并按验收标准检验,保存相关检验记录 D.对于不合格的物料,可以拒收并立马退货 [单选题]N型半导体是指( )的半导体.
A.电子导电为主 B.空穴导电为主 C.离子导电为主 D.导电能力很弱 [判断题]焊缝如果不在焊件的中性轴上,则焊后将会产生弯曲变形。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交