Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.
Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a cyclist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush -hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the mind’ s interpretation of what the senses -- in this case our eyes -- tell us.
Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to f
A. a slip of paper with which you are permitted to enter a theater
B. a notice issued to someone who has violated a traffic regulation
C. a slip of paper with which you can see a film
D. a notice that shows your right to do something
Sociology is a social science that studies (1) societies, their interactions, and the processes that (2) and change them. It does this by (3) the dynamics of constituent parts of societies (4) as institutions, communities, populations, and gender, racial, (5) age groups. Sociology also studies social status (6) stratification, social movements, and social change, as (7) as societal disorder in the form of (8) , deviance, and revolution. Social life overwhelmingly regulates (9) behaviour of humans, largely because humans lack (10) instincts that guide most animal behaviour. Humans (11) depend on social institutions and organizations to (12) their decisions and actions. Given the important (13) organizations play in influencing human action, it (14) sociology’s task to discover how organizations affect [多选题]模板用碗扣式钢管支撑架斜杆设置应符合( )的要求。
A.当立杆间距大于1.5m时,应在拐角处设置通高专用斜杆,中间每排每列应设置通高八字形斜杆或剪刀撑 B.工具式钢脚手板必须有挂钩 C.当立杆间距小于或等于1.5m时,模板支撑架四周从底到顶连续设置竖向剪刀撑 D.中间纵、横向由底至顶连续设置竖向剪刀撑,其间距小于或等于4.5m E.剪刀撑的斜杆与地面夹角应在45°~60°之间,斜杆应每步与立杆扣接 [单选题]要充分准备所有损失,切勿预计收益,体现的原则是:()
A.历史成本原则 B.重要性原则 C.权责发生制原则 D.谨慎性原则 [判断题]刀开关又称转换开关,是一种结构简单、手动控制的低压电器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调动乘坐旅客或装载爆炸品、气体类危险货物、超限货物的车辆时,不准超过() km/h,接近被连挂的车辆时,不准超过() km/h
A.5、10 B.10、5 C.10、15 D.15、5 [判断题]DL/T 860通信服务的控制块含有标准定义的版本号机制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. She wants to meet his professor. B. She wants to ask for his advice. C. She enjoys talking about scientific things. D. She wants to thank the man. [单项选择]2004年6月28日在江苏省苏州市召开的世界遗产大会是第()届?
A. 25 B. 26 C. 27 D. 28 [单项选择]Recent discoveries in Montana indicate that some dinosaurs may have {{U}}resided{{/U}} in colonies.
A. lived B. died C. hunted D. fed [多选题]一级动火在首次动火时,各级审批人和动火工作票签发人均应到现场检查()后方可动火。
A.防火安全措施是否正确完备 B.测定可燃气体的含量是否合格 C.测定易燃液体的可燃蒸气含量是否合格 D.在监护下做明火试验确无问题 E.略 F.略 [判断题]智慧警眼APP能够实现人脸识别功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列哪些研究证实信必可能够减少COPD患者的急性加重风险()
A. SzafranskiW,etal B. CalverleyPM,etal C. SPEED研究 D. CLIMB研究 E. CODEX研究 [填空题]在无缝线路上拨道时,拨道量的上挑与下压要(),避免出现附加拉应力和压应力,影响无缝线路的稳定。
[单项选择]A. Laughter is good for health. B. Laughter is terrifying sometimes.
C. Laughter is very comfortable. D. Laughter is good for social communication. [单项选择]当政府的购买性支出增加时,对经济产生的影响是( )。
A. 市场价格水平下降 B. 企业利润率下降 C. 所需生产资料增多 D. 生产紧缩 [不定项选择题]分布在少数民族居住地区的内流区域面积占我国内流区域面积的( ) 。
A.94.53% B.96.2% C.62.13% D.34.26% [不定项选择题]A.基础质量评价
A.行为过程评价 B.环节质量评价 C.基本素质评价 D.结果质量评价 E.护士长每周对病房急救物品完好情况进行检查,这种质量控制手段属于 [单选题]两个幼儿之间聊天的言语类型是( )。
A.口头言语 B.书面言语 C.内部言语 D.外部言语 我来回答: 提交