All the recent news on AIDS is bad. The
death of Rock Rudson last year raised public concern about the epidemic almost
to the point of panic. But that reaction subsided for a time as people were
reassured about the reliability of new tests for donated blood and the
improbability of contracting the disease casually. Now, general concern is
focused not so much on personal risk--most cases continue to occur in the
high-risk groups of male homosexuals and drug addicts--but on the growing
realization that this disease is having a deep impact on our society in a number
of ways. It is absorbing financial and other resources. AIDS patients require long-term care in hospitals and outpatient facilities, and the health care systems in such cities as New York and San Francisco are not prepared to handle the demand A. that the American public are now mainly concerned with their own risk. B. that Americans realize that AIDS has a powerful impact on their society. C. that homosexuals run a higher risk of catching AIDS. D. that drug addicts are more likely to contract AIDS. [判断题][T]B-A-B-013 4 1 3
在对反应进料泵进行预热过程中必须定期盘车。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据血尿来源不同临床上血尿分为()。
A. 功能性血尿 B. 器质性血尿 C. 肉眼血尿,镜下血尿 D. 原发性血尿,继发性血尿 E. 肾小球性及非肾小球性血尿 [单选题] 《中国南方电网有限责任公司应急管理规定》附录B 术语和定义 应急演练的规定,应急演练按照组织形式可分为桌面演练和( )。
A. 实战演练 B. 综合演练 C. 专项演练 D. 功能性演练 [判断题] 触头间恢复电压是指电弧彻底熄灭后外电路加在触头间的电源电压。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]地下商场建筑中疏散通道的( )应采用A级装修材料。
A.顶棚 B.墙面 C.柱面 D.地面 E.楼梯踏步 [单选题]在砌体上安装门窗时,严禁用( )固定。
A.化学锚栓 B.膨胀螺栓 C.射钉 D.预埋件 [单选题]铁路职工违反规章制度,致使发生铁路运营安全事故,造成严重后果,出()。
A.拘役 B.3年以上7年以下有期徒刑 C.3年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 D.5年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 [多选题]自动站间闭塞的闭塞条件包括( )。
A. 站间区间空闲且进路开通直向锁闭,信号开放 B. 接车站未办理紧急关闭作业 C. 设有站台门的车站,站台门关闭且锁紧,或虽未关闭或锁紧但互锁解除信息已传至信号系统 D. 设有站台门的车站,站台门虽未关闭或锁紧但互锁解除信息已传至信号系统 [多选题]票务部备品备架子标识要求( )。
A.信息要求: 标识内容应表示备品名称,根据部门备品定置化标准设定张贴位置,要求统一规范 B.色彩要求:黄底黑字 C.字体要求:(中英文)方正黑体 \ Arial。 D.规格要求(mm ):600×200 我来回答: 提交