Questions 71-80 are based on
the following passage. A federal judge on Monday certified a $ 200 billion class action lawsuit against the tobacco industry for its marketing of light cigarettes. Eastern District of New York Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s 540-page opinion in Schwab v. Philip Morris USA, Inc. , 04-CIV-1945—which included an additional 965 pages of appendices for a total of 1,505 pages-gave tens of millions of smokers an avenue to recover damages from the nation’s largest tobacco companies, including Philip Morris USA Inc. , R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. , Lorillard Tobacco Co. , and Liggett Group, Inc. The class will include anyone who purchased light cigarettes from the time tobacco companies began selling them in the 1970s. The judge said he even would consider broadening the class, to encompass smokers of all " A. smokers are found everywhere on the globe B. smokers are to settle down around the world C. people around the earth smoke light cigarettes D. a final court decision that applies internationally [单选题]支气管肺炎最主要的诊断依据是: ( )
A.发热 B.肺部有较固定的中细湿啰音 C.咳嗽 D.呼吸困难 E.气促 [单项选择]下列关于颅中窝骨折病人的护理错误的是
A. 禁止腰椎穿刺 B. 枕部垫无菌巾 C. 禁忌堵塞鼻腔 D. 床头抬高15~30cm E. 用抗生素溶液冲洗鼻腔 [判断题]通过手机银行、网上银行等电子渠道提交的跨境汇款,境外所有查询均可推送给客户,由客户发起线上修改。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计算机病毒是一种 ( )
A. 特殊的计算机部件 B. 游戏软件 C. 人为编制的特殊程序 D. 能传染的生物病毒 [多选题]关于正线道岔(直向)与曲线超高顺坡终点之间的直线段长度的规定,以下正确的是( )。
A.线路允许速度大于160km/h时不应小于70m B.线路允许速度大于160km/h时困难条件下不应小于30m C.线路允许速度为120km/h(不含)~160km/h时不应小于40m D.线路允许速度为120km/h(不含)~160km/h时困难条件下不应小于20m [判断题]接触网上跨建(构)筑物结冰,冰凌易短接受电弓设备,造成接地跳闸,严重者造成设备烧伤、断线。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在金属切削加工中一般优先采用通用刀具。( )
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