The Environmental Protection Agency
unveiled a detailed proposal Wednesday for using the government’s regulatory
powers to curb greenhouse gas emissions—reassuring foreign allies of the U.S.
commitment to fight climate change and warning Congress that the administration
will act on its own if lawmakers fail to address the issue. The rules would
force new or substantially modified industrial plants emitting at least 25,000
tons of greenhouse gases a year to employ "best available control technologies
and energy-efficiency measures" to minimize emissions. The agency unveiled its proposal hours after Senate Democrats introduced their version of the global warming bill that passed the House in June, and as international climate negotiators gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, to prepare for global warming treaty talks in Copenhagen in December. The EPA and Sen A. The Senate failed to carry out reaching agreement in Copenhagen. B. The United States is not prepared to take measures. C. The United States forces the developing countries to take steps. D. The EPA will not just wait for government’s decision to carry out action. [多选题]工件、边角余料应()。
A.放置在牢靠的地方 B.用铁丝扣牢 C.有防止坠落的措施 D.做好标记 [单选题]在对密闭房间进行排烟时,为防止发生轰燃应采取的措施是( )
A.逐渐开启排烟口,使用开花水枪掩护 B.先开启进风口,再开启排烟口 C.先开启排烟口,再用大量水稀释 D.减少排烟口数量和面积 [单选题]在杆塔上作业,( )下方应按坠落半径设围栏或其他保护措施。
A.A. 杆塔 B.B. 杆上人员 C.C. 作业点 D.D.横担 [单项选择]心肺复苏时最常用的药物是()
A. 阿托品 B. 异丙肾上腺素 C. 利多卡因 D. 氯化钙 E. 肾上腺素 [单选题]以下步法中,()是行进的辅助步法之一。
A.正步 B.齐步 C.移步 D.跑步 [判断题]判断题常见钢材中耐腐蚀性最好的是低温钢 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]细菌感染的浆膜腔积液乳酸含量一般
A. >20mmol/L B. <5mmol/L C. >10mmol/L D. <10mmol/L E. >3.33mmol/L [不定项选择题]A.国药证字H(Z、S)+4位年号+4位顺序号
A.H(Z、S)C+4位年号+4位顺序号 B.国药准字H(Z、S、J)+4位年号+4位顺序号 C.H(Z、S)+4位年号+4位顺序号 D.BH(Z、S)+4位年号+4位顺序号 E.药品批准文号的格式为 [单选题]27岁女性,闭经2个月,腹痛,阴道出血多于月经量1天,子宫如2个月妊娠大小,宫口有组织物堵塞,宫颈无举痛,最恰当的处理是
A.继续观察 B.予以保胎治疗 C.给予输液及止血剂 D.立即行刮宫治疗 E.进一步查尿HCG明确诊断 [填空题]《国家综合性消防救援队伍内务条令( )》规定,消防员配偶来队住宿时间一般不超过( )日,其他直系亲属来队住宿一般不超过( )日根据工作需要,消防救援人员可办理调动,总队范围内调动由( )批准。
[单项选择] Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following
passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the
Now, listen to the passage. Which element determines the harm brought by the noise pollution A. Frequency and intensity of the sound. B. The time the pollution lasts. C. The density of the population. D. The quality of the sound. 我来回答: 提交