What can be said of the normal process
of aging, from a linguistic point of view In general (1) ,
there is a clear and (2) relationship: no-one would have much
difficulty (3) a baby, a young child, a teenager, a
middle-aged person, or a very old person from a tape recording. With
children, (4) is possible for specialists in language
development, and people experienced (5) child care, to make
very detailed (6) about how language correlates with age in
the early years. (7) is known about the patterns of
linguistic change that affect older people. It is plain that our voice quality,
vocabulary, and style alter (8) we grow older, but research
(9) the nature o A. because B. that C. where D. as [判断题]凡发现工作人员有饮酒、精神不振时,可以登高作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]凡在坠落高于基准面( )米及以上的高处进行作业,都应视为高处作业,应按照安规执行。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题] (____)是指电力系统中有功出力和无功出力能满足负荷对有功和无功的需求,频率和各母线电压均在正常运行的允许范围内。
A.运行状态 B. 警戒状态 C. 紧急状态 D. 系统崩溃 [填空题]具有明确潜伏期的病原体感染,而在入院后平均潜伏期内发病的肺炎为( )肺炎。 2-52
[单项选择]Since the Second World War, most urban growth in the United States has occurred ______ of existing metropolitan areas.
A. on the outskirts B. on the outskirt C. on outskirts D. on outskirt [单选题]正常情况下,叩诊时实音出现的部位是( )
A.正常肺 B.心、肝等实质脏器部分 C.胃泡区和腹部 D.心、肝被肺覆盖的部分 [判断题]使用工作任务单时,工作票的工作班成员栏内,应填写各工作任务单的工作班成员姓名。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照《普速铁路桥隧建筑物修理规则》规定整修护轨质量标准要求:接头靠基本轨一侧左右错牙不大于( )。
A.5mm B.4mm C.3mm D.2mm [判断题]在Arduino程序中,函数不能嵌套定义,但可以嵌套调用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]绝对计程仪与相对计程仪的主要区别是________。(36869:第07章航海仪器:3098)
A.适用航速大 B.可测对地速度 C.可以测深 D.可测横向速度 [简答题]电缆支架有哪些主要要求?
[单选题]车票在闸机上显示55指的是( )。
A.A. 已进站-免费更新,可更新 B.B. 已进站-付费更新,可更新 C.C. 车票过期 D.D. 未发售车票 [判断题]工作许可人小李通过电话下达对工作进行许可,他可采用电话直接下达或电话间接下发两种方式,并在与工作负责人相互确认许可内容无误后,双方互为代签名。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交