Trees are useful to man in three very
important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him
shade; and they help to prevent droughts (干旱) and floods. Unfortunately, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build war ships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire, but, without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the home-country found itself faced by flood and starvation. (77) {{U}}Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade villagers to see this. {{/U}}The villagers want wood to cook their food with; and they can earn money by selling wood. They are usually too A. loosen soil B. keep soil in position C. harden soil D. both A and B [判断题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》中规定的重大事故是指造成10人以上50人以下死亡,或者50人以上100人以下重伤(包括急性工业中毒),或者5000万元以上1亿元以下直接经济损失的事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一座塑料大棚中有6块大小相同的长方形菜池子,按照从左到右的次序依次排列为:1号、2号、3号、4号、5号和6号。而且1号与6号不相邻。大棚中恰好需要6种蔬菜:Q、L、
A.1号种植Y;2号种植Q;3号种植S;4号种植L;5号种植H;6号种植X B.1号种植X;2号种植Y;3号种植Q;4号种植S;5号种植L;6号种植H C.1号种植H;2号种植Q;3号种植Y;4号种植S;5号种植L;6号种植X D.1号种植L;2号种植S;3号种植Y;4号种植Q;5号种植H;6号种植X [单选题]债务重组书面申请报告内容包括债务重组的原因说明、()、贷款保障措施、偿还贷款的计划和资金来源安排等
A.自身经营状况 B.担保状况 C.自身资产状况 D.家庭成员情况 [单选题]工作台清洗时用()将案台上的面污、黏着物刮下、扫净。
A.刀 B.刮刀 C.刮板 D.尺板 [多选题]按照清查时间的不同分类,以下分类错误的选项是()。
A.内部清查和外部清查 B.全面清查和局部清查 C.定期清查和不定期清查 D.全面清查和外部清查 [单选题]有关护理的叙述,下列正确的是
A.护理贯穿于人生命的全过程 B.护理理论是实践和艺术的结合 C.护理的服务对象只是病人 D.护理是有日的被动性活动 E.护理工作的中心内容随时间的推移而变化 [单选题]更换钢轨时铜导线两端用夹具牢固夹持在相邻的( )上。
A.轨腰 B.轨头 C.轨底 D.轨头下颚 [单项选择]“至虚有盛候”是指
A. 虚中夹实 B. 实中夹虚 C. 真虚假实 D. 真实假虚 E. 虚实转化 [单选题]新安装、大修后的变压器投入运行前,应在()下做空载全电压冲击合闸试验。
A.额定电压 B.正常电压 C.最大电压 D.允许电压 [多项选择]工资指导线包括( )。
A. 高线 B. 预警线 C. 低线 D. 下线 E. 基准线 [判断题]客户审校计费电能表现场检测不合格或不具备现场检测条件的,可将电能表拆回,进行实验室检定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]制定装配工艺规程的方法首先要对产品进行分析。
[单项选择]Are organically grown foods the best food choices The advantages claimed for such foods over (67) grown and marketed food products are now being debated. (68) of organic foods-a term whose meaning varies greatly-frequently proclaim that (69) products are safer and more nutritious than others.
The growing interest of (70) in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. (71) ,much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs.Although most of these (72) are not supported by scientific evidence,the preponderance(优势)of written material (73) such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from (74) .As a result,claims that eating a diet 75 entirely of organically grown foods prevents or (76) disease or provides other benefits to health have A. Although B. However C. Moreover D. Therefore [单选题]口腔和咽的分界是
A.舌根 B.腭舌弓 C.腭咽弓 D.咽峡 E.以上都不是 [单选题]采油工技能鉴定试题集中对于取抽油机井井口油样的要求是,必须先关闭掺水阀( )后方可放死油和取样。
A.5分钟 B.10分钟 C.20分钟 D.30分钟 [单选题]颅内压增高时不会出现
A.周围血管扩张 B.脑血管扩张 C.呼吸深慢 D.心率减慢 E.血压升高 [多项选择]对长期投资的评估,一般进行的程序包括( )。
A. 应明确投资的种类、原始投资额、评估基准日余额等长期投资项目的具体内容 B. 应判断长期投资预计可收回全额计算的正确性和合理性及长期投资余额在资产负债表上列示的准确性 C. 非上市交易的股票及债券一般采用现行市价法进行评估 D. 不能采用现行市价法评估的股票和债券一般采用收益法,评估人员应根据综合因素选择适宜的折现率,并确定评估值 E. 根据长期投资不同的种类,选择相应的评估结论 我来回答: 提交