The cohesiveness(内聚力)of a family seems
to rely on members sharing certain routine practices and events. For a growing
share of the American labor force, however, working shifts beyond the normal
daylight hours—what we here call "shift work"—makes the lives of families
difficult. Existing research shows that both male and female shift workers express high levels of stress and a sense of conflict between the demands of work and family life. But shift work couples still maintain a traditional attitude to the meaning of marriage and the individual roles of husband and wife. They expressed a willingness to do "whatever it takes" to approximate their view of a proper marriage, including sacrificing sleep and doing conventional things at unconventional hours. For the majority of couples interviewed, even when wives worked outside th A. their work B. their children C. their husbands’ inability to protect the family and provide companionship D. leisure activities [判断题](类别:号段管理 难度:中等)垃圾分类主要对口的委办局是环保局。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作票应用钢笔、圆珠笔填写,字迹清晰,( )涂改,并于作业( )交给工作执行人或工作领导人。
A.不得 B.可以 C.前一天 D.6小时 [单选题]生产经营单位违反本法规定,被责令改正且受到罚款处罚,拒不改正的,负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门可以自作出责令改正之日的次日起,按照原处罚数额按日()。
A.翻倍处罚 B.连续处罚 C.百分比累计处罚 [单选题]在火力发电厂中实现化学能向热能转变的设备是______
A.锅炉 B.汽轮机 C.发电机 [单选题]( )是指建设项目设计文件中规定的生产能力或效益全部或部分建成,经验收鉴定合格或达到竣工验收标准,正式移交生产或使用的年月。;
A.开工时间 B.建成投产时间 C.全部竣工时间 D.停缓建时间 [多项选择]有关部门的调查费用是否由厂方负责( )
A. 是 B. 不是 C. 修订前的《保险法》是,修订后的《保险法》不是 D. 修订前的《保险法》不是,修订后的《保险法》是 [单选题]教育,无论是传统的还是现代的,最终都是为了促进人的全面发展,帮助下一代提高生存能力。批评惩戒和赏识鼓励乃并行不悖的两种方式,有些时候,“当头棒喝”甚至比温言软语更有效果。北宋丞相丁谓曾在看望授业先生时坦陈:“小年狭劣,荷先生教诲,痛加梗楚,使某得成立者,皆先生之赐也。”即便素来以赏识教育著称的西方,也相当重视教师的批评惩戒权。“严厉”并非要回到“戒尺在手,学生俯首”的旧时代,而是呼吁回归教育的本质。有赏识的助力,亦有批评的雕琢,我们的孩子才能从顽皮无知的蒙童成长为堪当大任的栋梁。
A.教育需要一点“严厉” B.中国式批评和美国式表扬 C.鼓励教育与挫折教育再引思考 D.禁止教师说“禁语”也应鼓励惩戒教育 [多选题]泡沫灭火剂其灭火主要作用是什么?
A.隔离空气 B.阻止热辐射 C.冷却 D.稀释氧气 [单项选择] People thinking about the origin of language for the first time usually arrive at the conclusion that it developed gradually as a system of grunts, hisses and cries and 【B1】 a very simple affair in the beginning. 【B2】 ,when we observe the language behavior of 【B3】 we regard as primitive cultures, we find it 【B4】 complicated. It was believed that an Eskimo must have at the tip of his tongue a vocabulary of more than 10 000 words 【B5】 to get along reasonably well, much larger than rite active vocabulary of an average businessman who speaks English. 【B6】 ,these Eskimo words are 【B7】 more highly inflected than 【B8】 of any of the well-known European languages, for a 【B9】 noun can be spoken or written in 【B10】 hundred different forms, each 【B11】 a precise meaning different from that of any other. The 【B12】 of the verbs are ever more 【B13】 .The Eskimo language is, therefore, one of the most difficult in the world to learn, 【B14】 the result that almost no traders or explorers have 【B15】 tr
A. single B. singular C. plural D. compound [单项选择]在腰椎运动中,可被看做刚体的结构是()
A. 椎间盘 B. 椎体 C. 韧带 D. 关节囊 E. 肌肉 [判断题]外国投资者及其控股母公司、控股子公司在并购后持有的股份总额在30%以上,则认定外国投资者取得实际控制权。()
[判断题]低牵引的转向架便于机车有效发挥牵引力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]充分调动患者生活自理的潜力,在考虑使用辅助器具之前应尽可能找出其他实用方法,只有必须使用时,才提供辅助器及使用技术。
[单选题]除宣誓仪式、晋升(授予)消防救援衔仪式、授旗仪式等重要集体活动外,着制式服装进入室内通常自行脱帽,按照( ),组织其他集体活动时可以统一脱帽。
A.规定放置 B.随意放置 C.统一放置 D.统一保管 [简答题]什么是内部审核?什么是管理评审?
[单选题]( )喷射砼发生堵管时,若用高压风吹通时,工作风压不应超过______MPa。
A..0.5 B..1 C..1.5 D..2.0 [判断题]交通管理人员通过应用视频检测等技术,能够了解路网的运行状况,及时准确发现交通事件和违法行为,并为信号控制、交通信息发布、事后取证等提供基础数据。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]大型养路机械严禁溜放,但可以通过驼峰。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]讲授法是一种万能教学法,能够完成所有教学目标。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交