Many researchers have found greater
dependence and obedience in very young girls, greater autonomy and activity in
boys. When a barrier is set up to separate children from their mothers, boys try
to knock it down; girls cry helplessly. There is little doubt that mother’s
encouragement or discouragement—of such behavior plays a major role in
determining adult personality. For example, a mother often stimulates male
autonomy by throwing a toy far away from her young son, thus silently suggesting
to him that he leaves her to get it. Animal studies suggest that there may be a biological factor in material behavior; mothers of some monkeys punish their male babies earlier and more often than their female offspring; they also touch their female babies more often and act more protectively toward them. As for the controversial question of female "{{U A. monkey mothers know some knowledge on biology B. mothers tend to show real love to their female babies C. the offspring does not need so much caring from mother D. monkey mothers give more care to their female kids by instinct [多选题]菜单管理功能说明对所有菜单进行( )等操作
A. 新增 B. 添加 C. 修改 D. 删除 [单项选择]对氟乙酰胺中毒严重者不及时抢救可发生
A. 意识障碍 B. 休克 C. 阵发性抽搐 D. 心跳骤停 E. 腹泻 [单选题]380/220V 接入的分布式电源需要经过一定延时后才能重新并网,延时值应大于( )s。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多选题]公安机关在对现场各项条件和设施进行检查时,下列应重点检查的有:(多选)
A.疏散通道、安全出口是否畅通 B.应急广播、应急照明是否正常运行 C.便利店、商超的物资是否充足 D.交通、住宿等条件是否完善 [单选题]屈髋关节和膝关节并使膝关节旋内( )
A.缝匠肌 B.股四头肌 C.大收肌 D.阔筋膜张肌 E.臀大肌 [单项选择]属于水胆玛瑙的作品是( )。
A. 《大禹治水》 B. 《会昌九老图》 C. 《水帘洞》 D. 《渎山玉海》 [单项选择]船舶旋回过程中,漂角β的值:().
A. 在转舵阶段较小,在定常旋回阶段较大 B. 在转舵阶段较小,在定常旋回阶段较小,且相等 C. 在转舵阶段较大,在定常旋回阶段较小 D. 在转舵阶段较大,在定常旋回阶段较大,且相等 [单选题]()利用绳索、拉线上下杆塔或顺杆下滑;
A.严禁; B.可以; C.施工负责人决定; [多选题]工作票签发人、工作负责人对有()的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和范围。
A.触电危险 B.很大量 C.检修(施工)施工复杂容易发生事故 D.涂写杆号 [单项选择]下面哪一项是多进度滑动选择控件()
A. ProgressBar B. Slideshow C. ToolStrip D. ToolStripItem [单选题]列车中途停站作业时,一个车门上下的集装件总数每分钟不得超过( )。《高铁快运业务管理办法》
A.1件 B.2件 C.3件 D.4件 [判断题] 故障诊断技术是指在设备运行中或基本不拆卸的情况下,掌握设备运行状况,判定故障产生的原因部位,预测预报设备未来状态的一门技术。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述成就动机理论的主要观点。
[判断题] 牛顿是质量的单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]院内多学科会诊对于诊断不明确患者的收治原则包括:
A.若有生命危险,则以危及生命可能性最大的疾病诊断确定收治科室 B.若暂无生命危险,住院患者由经管医师申请会诊,根据会诊结果确定收治科室 C.急诊患者可在急救部留观,待明确诊断后再确定收治科室 D.超过72小时未明确诊断的,以明确的脏器问题确定收治科室 [单选题] 各地区、各有关部门要逐步按照( )配置基本公共服务资源,明确农民工及其随迁家属可以享受的基本公共服务项目,并不断提高综合承载能力、扩大项目范围。
A. 实际人口 B. 户籍人口 C. 常住人口 D. 日间人口 我来回答: 提交