It is wise to remember that you do not
have to buy anything from any salesperson. You ought to buy only those things
you really need or want and can {{U}} (76) {{/U}}. Try not to let your
personal feelings about the salesperson {{U}} (77) {{/U}} you to make a
purchase. Remember that your are entitled to ask a salesperson any question you
wish {{U}} (78) {{/U}} the product or service, and you are entitled to
get a clear, complete {{U}} (79) {{/U}}. You can tell the salesperson you
want to think about the matter for a few days, {{U}} (80) {{/U}} that
want to talk to other people who have purchased the product or service. You can
walk {{U}} (81) {{/U}} from a salesperson without a polite end A. so B. now C. or D. but [单项选择]下列哪项不是急性乳腺炎的早期临床表现
A. 局部胀痛 B. 形成肿块 C. 可有压痛 D. 体温升高 E. 波动性肿块 [单项选择]带下色白量多,质稀如涕,淋漓不绝,是因()
A. 湿热下注 B. 寒湿下注 C. 湿毒蕴结 D. 肝经郁热 E. 热伤冲任 [单项选择]厚壁轴瓦合金层剥落是一种()失效形式。
A. 磨损 B. 腐蚀 C. 疲劳断裂 D. 微动磨损 [判断题]任职职位越高的职位,薪酬等级也就越高,薪酬变动比率也会随之增加。
A.6 B.110 C.35 D.10 [判断题]被判处3年(含3年)有期徒刑以上刑罚或者犯危害国家安全罪的自主择业军队转业干部刑满释放后,取消自主择业待遇。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]主要的网络道德失范行为有_________。
A. 网络诈骗 B. 传播色情和暴力信息 C. 网络盗窃 D. 发布恶意的反动政治信息 [单选题]中断控制方式的优点是( )。
A.提高CPU的利用率 B.提高CPU与外设的数据传送精度 C.提高CPU与外设的数据传送速度 D.减少外设的等待时间 [单选题]( )是铁路运输的生命线。
A.服务 B.效益 C.安全 D.经济 [单选题]以大疆飞行器为例,以下哪种飞行器状态指示灯闪灯情况,为P模式GNSS定位?
A.绿灯慢闪 B.黄红灯交替慢闪 C.黄灯快闪 D.红灯常亮 [单选题]经审定立项的事项,督查部门应及时将“督办通知单”转交有关承办单位办理。这属于( )。
A.立项 B.分办 C.承办 D.督办 [单项选择]If you'd like to make full use of the library, your priority is_________
A. to know the people in the library B. to be sure to know something about a particular topic C. to have an idea of the organization of the library D. to know the size and effectiveness of the library [单选题]一类环境中混凝土等级≤C25时板的保护层为()
A. 5mm B. 15mm C. 10mm D. 20mm [单项选择]()运行状况及发展趋势会直接或间接地对企业客户服务活动产生一定的影响。
A. 市场人口 B. 经济环境 C. 社会环境 D. 文化环境 [单项选择]2,3,6,18,108,( )
A. 2160 B. 1944 C. 1080 D. 216 [单选题]组合工具005-1 单位 套 零售价( )
A.95.00 B.168.0 [多项选择]新生儿出生时发现羊水被胎粪污染,处理错误的是()
A. 生后不哭,宜注射可拉明、洛贝林刺激呼吸 B. 如新生儿出生时窒息,立即用纳洛酮静注 C. 胎头娩出后应立即吸清口咽、鼻腔内的羊水、胎粪 D. 胎儿娩出后,手法制止胎儿呼吸,尽量在其开始呼吸前将胎粪吸净 E. 若婴儿生后不哭,立即予气管插管吸净胎粪 [多选题]供电调度在发布间接带电作业命令前将所有的间接带电作业申请进行综合安排,审查( )和( )措施,确定作业地点、范围和安全防护措施。
A.作业内容 B.作业性质 C.安全防护 D.封锁 [单项选择]有降水,雨量自记凡24小时内自记钟计时误差达()分钟或以上时,自记纸均须作时间差订证。
A. 二 B. 三 C. 一 [多项选择]以下无线宽带集团团购活动可享受85折优惠的套餐有()
A. 无线宽带600套餐 B. 无线宽带960套餐 C. 无线宽带1560套餐 D. 无线宽带2160套餐 E. 无线宽带2760套餐 [单项选择]目前,我国铁道车辆的走行部大都由两台()转向架组成。
A. 一轴 B. 三轴 C. 二轴 D. 四轴 [单选题]口头制止现场违法犯罪行为不包括()。
A.命令停止行为 B.宣布处理决定 C.命令接受检查 D.告知不服从命令的后果 [判断题]往复式水泵适合输送大流量的液体。
A. 胞宫寒冷,血瘀冲任 B. 邪气阻隔,脉道不通 C. 瘀血内阻,新血不守 D. 冲任失养,拘急而痛 E. 冲任瘀阻,气血运行不畅 [简答题]
Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community. (61)Under modern coditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. (62) Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn tests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. For example, they may encourage research in various ways, including the setting up of their own research centers; they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural resources o [多选题]值班人员送车期间,在库内严格遵守( )要求。
A.一停 B.二看 C.三通过 D.四听 [单选题]经常有人工作的()及施工车辆上宜配备急救箱,存放急救用品,并应指定专人经常检查、补充或更换。
A.A.场所 B.B.施工场地 C.C.各班组 D.D.作业现场 [单项选择]Why can’’t the library issue library cards to everyone who applies
A. Because it takes too long to process all the applications. B. Because it is a library for special purpose. C. Because its resources are limited. D. Because there is a shortage of staff. [单选题] 卵巢恶性肿瘤的治疗原则是( )
A. 手术为主,化疗,放疗为辅 B. 化疗为主,手术,放疗为辅 C. 放疗为主,化疗,手术为辅 D. 化疗,放疗为主,手术为辅 E. 手术,放疗为主,放疗为辅 [单选题]某公司的施工班长周某带领 11 人进行某线#1 杆至#25 杆中压架空线路大修及抗风加固。根据工作安排,龙某和杨某两个人一班,到#5 杆挂安全接地线。 龙某是施工员,杨某是监护人。杨某打好接地桩后发现验电笔和绝缘手套没有带,随后跑回车上寻找。此时,龙某在没有监护人的情况下登上了#4 杆,进行挂接安全接地线,导致触电死亡。
(单选)在发生人身触电时,可( )。
A.不经许可,立即断开有关设备的电源 B.立即报告相关领导,经批准后方可断开设备电源 C.继续维持设备运行 D.视系统运行情况安排停电 [单选题]卷筒筒壁磨损达原壁厚多少时,应报废。( )
A.5% B.10% C.20% D.50% [判断题]( )曲线正矢日常保持容许偏差管理值表规定,R≤250m其他站线上圆曲线正矢最大最小值差为24mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当冷却水温高于()℃时,节温器主阀门全开,副阀门全关,冷却水在全部流经散热器进行水的大循环,使发动机保持正常工作温度。
A. 36 B. 56 C. 66 D. 86 [单项选择]哪一神经不属于颈浅丛()
A. 耳大神经 B. 颈前神经 C. 枕下神经 D. 锁骨下神经 E. 枕小神经 我来回答: 提交