The bat is a marvel of evolutionary
adaptation. Most of them roost during the day, and are active at night or
twilight for they can avoid objects in the dark. I have seen this phenomenon at
work. In my youth, I used to explore old mining shafts in the Randsburg
district. Sometimes my intrusion disturbed clans of bats that were hanging
upside down in the dark caves. They would fly about to evident panic, but the panic was mine, not theirs. Some flew crazily out into the daylight but some merely returned to their perches. None ever touched me, much to my relief. They may exist but I have never seen a stuffed nylon bat. To children, bats may not be as lovable as koala bears. Perhaps manufacturers do not regard them as marketable. It is not so much their hideous faces and winged bodies that have caused us to get rid of bats, bu A. live on the blood of living creatures B. are believed to be fond of delicate women C. never ever fly in the daylight D. are the evil spirit of Count Dracula [判断题] 穿着隔热防护服时,可断时间通过火焰区。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]应严格执行“( )测量轨温制度
A.作业前 B.作业后 C.作业中 D.作业完 [多项选择]报关单位出现下列______情形时,海关可以暂停其6个月以内从事报关业务。
A. 提供虚假资料骗取海关注册登记 B. 未向海关备案,擅自变更或启用“报关专用章” C. 拖欠税款或者不履行纳税义务的 D. 出让其名义供他人办理进出口货物报关纳税事宜的 [单选题]单位卡资金必须从( )转账转入,不得存取现金,销户时单位卡资金应转入基本存款账户,不得提取现金。
A. 基本存款账户 B.一般存款账户 C.专用存款账户 D. 临时存款账户 [简答题]灰色预测法从它的功用和特征上,大致可分为哪五种类型?
[多选题] 铁路职工或其他人员发现设备故障危及行车和人身安全时,应立即向开来列车发出停车信号,并迅速通知( )。
A.就近车站 B.工务 C.电务 D.供电人员 [判断题]艾里逊第四代变速箱必须踩刹车才能挂上档。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]性微温不燥,能降气化痰,多种咳嗽均用的药物是()
A. 旋覆花 B. 禹白附 C. 前胡 D. 白前 E. 白芥子 [判断题]因工作需要,需调查、查阅相关反洗钱信息资料的,时间紧急的可以不用参照调阅会计档案管理规定履行有关审批手续。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交