The beginning of what was to become the
United States was characterized by inconsistencies in the values and behavior of
its population, inconsistencies that were reflected by population,
inconsistencies that were reflected by its spokesmen, who took conflicting
stances in many areas, but on the subject of race, the conflicts were
particularly vivid. The idea that the Caucasian race and European civilization
were superior was well entrenched in the culture of the colonists at the very
time that the "egalitarian" republic was founded. Voluminous historical evidence
indicates that, in the mind of the average colonist, the African was a heathen,
he was black, and he was different in crucial philosophical ways. As time
progressed, he was also increasingly captive, adding to the conception of
deviance. The African, therefore, could be justifiaby (and even
phila A. emphasize his admiration for the early Americans B. ridicule the idea of democracy C. remind the reader of the principles of the new nation D. underscore the fact that equality did not extend to everyone [单选题]如上图所示线路,保护1的Ⅲ段可做( )的远后备。
A.B-C线路 B.A-B线路 C.A-C线路 D.B-C线路 [单项选择]对经常处于备用状态的消防泵、雨淋泵、排烟风机等设备,( )作为计算负荷的一部分来选择变压器。
A. 可 B. 应 C. 不应 D. 必须 [单选题]地质导向落靶过程分为两个阶段,一是()阶段,另一个是中靶阶段。
A.稳斜 B.探油顶 C.着陆 D.增斜 [单项选择]健康相关行为包括健康促进行为和()
A. 疾病发生行为 B. 高危行为 C. 预防保健行为 D. 髙危人群行为 E. 健康危害行为 [多选题]跑道引入灯光系统每一闪光灯组的电源应能由( )遥控,下面说法错误的是( )
A.机场 B.供电局 C.空管局 D.航空公司 [判断题]采煤机必须经过专门培训取得合格证方可上岗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]审计部门对预算外资金进行审计所适用的方法不包括( )。
A. 经常性审计 B. 定期审计 C. 专项审计 D. 随机审计 [单项选择]何种细胞表面具有小鼠红细胞受体()
A. 中性粒细胞 B. 巨噬细胞 C. T淋巴细胞 D. B淋巴细胞 E. NK细胞 [单选题]和目云存储采用什么录制机制
A.24小时连续存储 B.事件存储 C.12小时间连续存储 D.24小时间断存储 [单选题]《南昌铁路局车票实名制管理办法》中,办理退票时,需核实车票及其票面所载明的( )的一致性,票、证一致的方予办理
A.姓名、有效身份证件 B.有效身份证件号码 C.有效身份证件 D.有效身份证件原件或复印件 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,末级工作许可人办理线路工作票的作业终结前,应与工作负责人当面或电话核实(),有无存在问题等,方可办理作业终结手续。
A.工作票人员信息无误 B.工作地点个人保安线、工具、材料等无遗留 C.全部作业人员已从杆塔上撤下 D.工作地段自行装设的接地线已全部拆除 [单项选择]房室瓣关闭见于
A. 快速射血期末 B. 等容收缩期初 C. 等容收缩期末 D. 等容舒张期初 E. 等容舒张期末 [单选题]煎煮中药使用的适当容器是
A. 铁锅、高压锅 B. 铝锅 C. 砂锅、搪瓷锅 D. 不锈钢锅 [单选题]关于发展对象,以下说法错误的是:( )
A.应当至少有一名正式党员作入党介绍人。 B.入党介绍人一般由培养联系人担任, C.入党介绍人也可由党组织指定。 D.受留党察看处分、尚未恢复党员权利的党员,不能作入党介绍人。 我来回答: 提交