11-15 Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunities as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $ 500, 000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, (some federal and local agencies) have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning part of public works contracts to minority enterprises. A. Annoyed by the proliferation of "front" organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future. B. Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970’s, their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts. C. The significant response of corporations in the t970’s is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980’s. D. Although corporations are eager to cooperate with minority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970’s made substantial response impossible. [多选题]赵某恳求国有公司财务主管李某从单位挪用10万元供他炒股,并将一块表(价值人民币3万余元)送给李某。李某做假账将10万元交与赵某,赵某表示会尽快归还。20日后,李某用个人财产归还单位10万元。关于本案,下列选项正确的是()。(1分)
A.赵某、李某勾结私自动用公款,构成挪用公款罪的共犯 B.赵某、李某属于挪用公款罪既遂 C.李某非法收受礼物,数额较大,构成受贿罪 D.对李某不能以挪用公款罪与受贿罪进行数罪并罚 [判断题]某矿坑木场发生火灾,应执行当地政府的救援预案。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用于测量夹杂物含量的试样平行于钢材纵轴,位于钢材外表面至中心的()。
A.边缘位置 B.中间位置 C.中心位置 D.任意位置 [单选题]铁锤操作前主要检查( )。
A.铁锤完好无损 B.手柄完好无损 C.铁锤与手柄连接是否紧密 D.铁锤与手柄是否连接 [单选题]三相桥式半控整流电路平衡性好,效率较高,移相范围为( )度。
A.0-90 B.0-120 C.0-150 D.0-180 [单选题]室内母线分段部分、母线交叉部分及部分停电检修易误碰( )的,应设有明显标志的永久性隔离挡板(护网)。
A.引线部分 B.停电部分 C.有电设备 [单项选择]二行程发动机采用在气缸壁上开窗孔而用()来控制的配气方式。
A. 气门 B. 正时齿轮 C. 活塞 D. 凸轮轴 [单项选择]秘书服务的密码可以通过以下哪些途径修改()。
A. 12580/12591 B. 1861 C. 1860 D. 12580/12591、1861 [单项选择]What does the author want us to know through Anita Rutnam's story
A. The universities are not responsible for their students. B. Suicides are popular on college campus and should be handled properly. C. Why Anita committed suicide is still a mystery. D. Universities should get prepared in case their students sue them. [多选题]行政行为有下列哪些情形?人民法院可以判决部分撤销,并可以判决被告重新作出行政行为?()
A.主要证据不足的 B.没有依据的 C.违反法定程序的 D.超越职权的 [单项选择]固定资产是指企业使用年限超过( )年的房屋、建筑物、机器以及其他与生产相关的设备、器具、工具等。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]采用金刚石涂层的刀具不能加工( )零件。
A.钛合金 B.黄铜 C.铝合金 D.碳素钢 [单选题]以下哪个不是个人社交平台的特点
A.用户体量大 B.交流更便捷 C.内容更严谨 D.传播互动强 [单项选择]细菌性痢疾病理改变的部位是()
A. 盲肠 B. 回肠末端 C. 直肠和乙状结肠 D. 升结肠 E. 降结肠 我来回答: 提交