Theme-park-hound bargain seekers would be wise to spend some time surfing online before they get in line at the parks this summer.
A growing number of these attractions now allow customers to print e-tickets at home with large discounts off the gate price, in part to spur attendance that has declined in recent years.
After boom times in the late 1990s, theme park attendance began to decrease, with an overall decline of about 400% over the past few years at North America’s 50 most-visited establishments, says James Zoltak, editor of Amusement Business.
"The boom was off the rose as we turned the comer into 2000, so there’s more discounting now," he says.
Discounting isn’t new to an industry that has longer partnered with other commercial enterprises, such as soft drink companies, to offer deals. But e-ticketing adds a new opportunity that not only brings savings but convenience as well, since it allows visitors to avoid t
A. it is wise to surf online
B. discounting isn’t everything
C. e-ticketing attracts more partners
D. time is money
Reading is a way of enjoyment,
relaxation, rest or freedom from worry. These can be felt by the readers from
the actual reading (36) and from the impact
provided. Reading provides the knowledge we are unable to gain from personal (37) . If we cannot travel around the (38) , we can read books (39) travel and gain information of (40) countries, people (41) their ways of life. We can also read about the (42) customs of different countries. Surely we cannot go (43) to the past, yet, by reading (44) , we can obtain knowledge of the past, something about the lives of great and famous (45) , and (46) the world it- serf. From reading, we can (47) of new things, new methods of inventions, different methods of [单选题]用于限制病人坐起的约束方法是( )
A. 加床栏 B. 约束腕部 C. 约束踝部 D. 固定双膝 E. 固定肩部 [判断题]X线球管围绕人体前后轴旋转的扫描方式称为冠状位扫描。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当具有生长功能的子宫内膜组织出现在子宫腔被覆黏膜以外的身体其他部位时,称为()
A. 葡萄胎 B. 子宫肌瘤 C. 子宫内膜异位症 D. 子宫腺肌病 E. 侵蚀性葡萄胎 [单选题]下列物系中,不可以用旋风分离器加以分离的是( )
A.悬浮液 B.含尘气体 C.酒精水溶液 D.乳浊液 [单选题]临床应用异烟肼易发生周围神经炎与
A.维生素B↓6的缺乏有关 B.维生素↓(12)缺乏有关 C.维生素D缺乏有关 D.维生素C缺乏有关 E.维生素E缺乏有关 [单选题]使用切割器具破拆时,要平稳操作、直线切割,切割器具( )不得站人。
A.前方 B.后方 C.侧后面 [单选题]汉字系统中的汉字字库里存放的是汉字的( )[232000000]
A.机内码 B.输入码 C.字形码 D.国标码 [单项选择]Fe(s)、FeO(s)、Fe3O4(s)与CO(g)、CO2(g)达到平衡时,其独立化学平衡数R、组分数C和自由度数f分别为:()
A. R=3;C=2;f=0 B. R=4;C=1;f=-1 C. R=1;C=4;f=2 D. R=2;C=3;f=1 [单项选择]下面()命令WS与WPS不兼容。
A. Ctrl+KD B. Ctrl+OC C. Ctrl+QY D. Ctrl+B [单选题]创新的论述是()。
A.创新与继承根本对立 B.创新就是独立自主 C.创新是民族进步的灵魂 D.创新不需要引进国外新技术 [单项选择]关于光固化操作叙述中错误的是()
A. 窝洞在光固化前用酒精消毒 B. 光固化照射时间20~40秒 C. 污染酸蚀过的牙面,必须重新酸蚀处理 D. 固化深度一般不超过5mm E. 光固化效果与光照距离无关 [判断题]用户备份是为用户提供一个虚拟的安全网络,合理的最接近数据文件的备份。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 特殊天气使用脚扣和登高板,应采取( )措施。
A.绝缘; B.防滑; C.防护; D.防断。 我来回答: 提交