If someone accidentally steps on your
toe, it hurts. But does it hurt more if you think he did it deliberately That,
in essence, is the question Kurt Gray and Daniel Wegner of Harvard University
asked in a study they have just published in Psychological Science. And their
answer is that it probably does. Dr. Gray and Dr. Wegner did not actually step on people’s toes as part of their experiments. But they did arrange for them to receive electric shocks. Altogether, they induced a group of 43 students to participate with offers of academic credits or, failing that, cold cash. On the day of the experiment, each participant was introduced to a study partner, whom he was told was another student participant but who was in fact an assistant of the two researchers. The students were then told about a number of tasks, whi A. To study whether the deliberate hurt hurts more. B. To let people know deliberately hurting people is evil. C. To study the phenomenon of stepping on people. D. To offer students academic credits. [简答题]与带电线路平行、邻近或交叉跨越的线路停电检修,应采取哪些措施防止误登杆塔?
A. 大肠癌 B. 骨肿瘤 C. 肺癌 D. 甲状腺癌 E. 骨肉瘤 [单选题]向后退步走时,每退()靠脚一次,不摆臂,退到指定步数停止
A.A、1步 B.B、2步 C.C、3步 D.D、4步 [单选题] 减肥期间运动对身体的好处不包括
A.增加消耗 B.提高代谢率 C.减小身体围度 D.降低胰岛素敏感性 [简答题]轧辊爆裂造成断带后应该如何处理?
[判断题]为减小线路纵联差动保护的不平衡电流,其差动互感器采用相同型号、同变比的专用D级电流互感器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]有下列情形( )之一的,做出注册登记许可决定的直属海关,根据利害关系人的请求或者依据职权,可以撤销注册登记许可。
A. 海关工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守做出准予注册登记许可决定的 B. 超越法定职权做出准予注册登记许可决定的 C. 违反法定程序做出准予注册登记许可决定的 D. 被许可人以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得注册登记许可的 [多项选择]Edward R. Murrow has ever talked about TV in this way, "This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it is nothing but wires and lights in a box." Some other people argue that TV is harmful as it shows more and more sex and violence, sacrifices the quality of. the programs for the sake of commercial benefit and takes away the biggest part of our free time. What do you think of the influence of TV on our society Please write an essay of about 400 words.
In the first part of your essay you should state dearly your main argument and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay, Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure t [判断题]过电流保护在系统运行方式变小时,保护范围将变大。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Physical fitness is the result of many factors—good medical care, proper nutrition, adequate rest and relaxation, and sensible personal habit. But these are never enough. An essential factor is regularly physical activity-exercise for a body that needs it to function well.
All of us know that ordinary movements—things as running, jumping, and bending— made possible by muscles. Muscles also do many other things. They suck air into your lungs, push food along your digestive tract, and tighten your blood vessels to raise blood pressure when you need more pressure for an emergency. Your heart is a muscular pump. When your muscles are not used, or are not used enough, they do not develop and grow proper. They soon become flabby and weak, shrink in size, and lose the ability to do the jobs they were mean to do. Recent studies showed that the average high school student spends fifteen to thirty hours a week watching television and only two hours a week in organizing play or ex [单选题]国网湖北省电力有限公司安委会关于印发领导干部安全履责手册的通知(鄂电司安委会【2019】2号)文规定:要树立安全发展理念,弘扬( )的思想。
A.生命第一、安全第一 B.生命第一、安全至上 C.生命至上、安全第一 D.安全第一、预防为主 [单选题]油田加热炉燃烧完好的前提下,过剩空气系数越低,( )的辐射能力越强。
A.烟箱 B.对流管 C.高温烟气 D.炉膛 我来回答: 提交