Americans are proud of their variety and individuality (个性), yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of a lift operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to expect higher quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform is likely to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a hairdresser, or a waiter to lose professional identity (职业身份) than to step out of uniform
Uniforms also have many practical good points. They are often more comfortable and more lasting than civilian clothes. Primary among the argument against uniforms is t
A. are usually helpful
B. bare little freedom
C. lose personal character
D. enjoy greater popularity
Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. |
{{B}}The Christmas Tree{{/B}} In pre-Christian Europe, people believed that trees (fruit trees and evergreens in particular) were embodiment of powerful beings. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the designated miracle play for December 25 was the story of Adam and Eve and in this play the chief prop was an apple-hung evergreen called the paradise tree. In the sixteenth century, German families began bringing evergreens into their homes during the Christmas season. By the seventeenth century, they were known as Christbaiime (Christ trees) and were being decorated with fruits, candies, cookies, candles and wafers resembling the eucharistic host. The first Christmas trees in America were set up by German immigrants in the 1820s and the almost universal adoption of the cus A. colored balls B. colored lights C. colored paper D. star-shaped objects [单选题]简易型采集器直接转发集中器与电能表间的(_)。
A.命令 B.数据和信息 C.命令和信息 D.数据和命令 [多选题] 安全标志牌围栏等防护设施的设置应( ),作业完毕后应及时拆除。
A.齐全 B.正确 C.及时 D.牢固 [判断题]A-D-A-004 4 1 3
列车由直线进入曲线时,速度越高半径越大,离心力越小,作用在外轨的力越大。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]出现下列情况时,应及时修改数据库管理员密码。
A.数据库投运前。 B.新增系统运维人员 C.数据库系统或相关的应用系统遭到非法入侵。 D.数据库管理员变化。 E./ F./ [单选题]对不合格或应报废的机具应及时(),不应与合格的混放。
A.报废 B.清理 C.处理 D.送检 [单项选择]舌面前高不圆唇元音是()。
A. [ɑ] B. [i] C. [a] D. [e] [多项选择]城建监察人员在执法中享有的权利有()。
A. 监督检查权 B. 调查取证权 C. 违章制止权 D. 决定执行权 [单项选择]甚高频无线电话双重守侯功能是按()的原则。
A. 6频道优先 B. 8频道优先 C. 16频道优先 D. 其它指定频道优先 [单项选择]联合站生产的净化原油含水量标准规定轻质油、中质油小于()%。
A. 1 B. 0.8 C. 0.6 D. 0.5 [单选题]《关于规范双管供风旅客列车总风系统漏风客运应急处置流程的通知》(客管电〔2016〕122号),运行途中,遇双管供风旅客列车总风系统漏风时,列车长第二次接到车辆乘务员通知锁闭二份之一厕所。关闭原则是( )。
A.“隔一闭二” B.“逐车闭一” C.“全车锁闭” D.“逐一打开” [单选题]使用小型打磨机进行打磨作业后,用1m直尺测量,不平度小于0.5mm的验收标准适用于( )的线路。
A.vmax≤90km/h B.vmax≤120km/h C.vmax>120km/h D.vmax>160km/h [单项选择]有效的营销策略应该是营销目标与( )的统一。
A. 营销手段 B. 营销原则 C. 营销功能 D. 营销理论 [判断题]法庭调查阶段,当事人及其诉讼代理人应当先出示书证、物证、视听资料和电子数据,再进行陈述。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交