Time and how we experience it have
puzzled physicists who have created fascinating theories. But their time is
measured by a pendulum (钟摆) and is not psychological time, which leaps with
little regard to the clock or calendar. As someone who understood the
distinction observed, "When you sit with a girl for two hours, it seems like a
minute, but when you sit on hot stove, a minute seems like two hours." Psychologists have noticed that larger units of time. such as months and years, fly on swifter wings as we age. They also note that the more time is structured with schedule and appointments, the more rapidly it seems to pass. For example, a day at the beach. Since most of us spend fewer days at the beach and more at the office, an increase in structured time could well be to blame why time seems to speed up as we g A. An excursion to an unfamiliar place. B. Office work structured with schedules. C. Life of a businessman filled with new appointments. D. The learning of something difficult and interesting. [判断题]所有者权益是指企业资产扣除负债后,由所有者享有的剩余权益。公司的所有者权益又称为股东权益。
A. 主机、辅机 B. 机电设备 C. 船体保养 D. 电力系统 [单选题] 井架工操作台处要设置的标志为( )。
A.A、必须戴手套 B. B、必须戴安全帽 C. C、必须系保险带 D.D、严禁烟火 [单选题] 当操作人员的皮肤溅上烧碱,应()。
A.立即用硼酸溶液冲洗 B.立即用大量盐酸冲洗 C.无需处理 [单项选择]在计算机中,每个存储单元都有一个连续的编号,此编号称为( )。
A. 地址 B. 住址 C. 位置 D. 序号 [判断题]齿轮泵流量脉动大,噪声大,排量可以调节。
A. 大青龙汤 B. 银翘散 C. 牛蒡解肌汤 D. 败毒散 E. 再造散 [单项选择]冰情统计表是以测站()为基础,对冰情特征日期、封冻天数及冰厚特征等项资料进行统计。
A. 原始观测记载 B. 冰情观测记载 C. 水位观测记载 D. 冰厚及冰情要素摘录表 [多项选择]关于缺铁性贫血,下列实验室检查正确的是
A. 血清铁蛋白减低 B. 转铁蛋白饱和度减低 C. 总铁结合力降低 D. 血红蛋白减低 E. 以上均不是 [判断题]排油注氮装置处于自动状态下,手动启动应无效。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
下列举措属于促进经济发展方式转变,推动产业结构优化升级的有() A. ①② B. ②④ C. ③④ D. ②③ [简答题]电动机使用工频电源驱动时,电压下降则电流增加,对于变频器驱动,如果频率下降时电压也下降,哪么电流是否增加?
A. 凸出呈乳头状或绒毛状 B.具疣状突起 B. 具细刺状突起 C. 具网状雕纹 D. 具明显的螺旋纹 [单选题] ( )用于产生大流量、远射程、高强度射流,以扑救大规模、大面积火灾。(中)
A. 直流水枪 B. 空气泡沫枪 C. 水(泡沫)炮 D. 多用水枪 我来回答: 提交