There are at least 8 million unique species of life on the planet, if net far more, and you could be forgiven for believing that all of them can be found in Andasibe. Walking through this rain forest in Madagascar is like stepping into the library of life. Sunlight seeps through the silky fringes of the Ravenea louvelii, an endangered palm (棕榈树) found, like so much else on this African island, nowhere else. Madagascar which separated from India 80 million to 100 million years ago before eventually settling off the southeastern coast of Africa, is in many ways an Earth apart. All that time in geographic isolation made Madagascar a Darwinian playground, its animals and plants evolving into forms utterly original. Some 90% of the island’s plants and about 70% of its animals arc endemic, meaning that th A. Extinction is very important to all the human beings B. All the species lived in the past have died off today C. Evolution will inevitably cause species to disappear D. The loss of a few species among millions affects nothing [判断题]压缩机排气阀一直没有关闭过,交班时也没交代,可以直接开机不用看阀门是否开启。
[单项选择]教师和家长应从( )岁左右的孩子开始进行人厕能力的培养。
A. 1.5岁 B. 2岁 C. 2.5岁 D. 3岁 [单选题]从( )年起,我国开始执行国家建设的第一个五年计划。
A.1949 B.1952 C.1953 D.1956 [单项选择]违法线索情报搜集的对象包括与已立案调查的案件有关的人、物、事线索、()以及与预谋违法有关的人、事、物线索。
A. 与犯罪有关的人、物、事线索 B. 与未立案调查的案件有关的人、物、事线索 C. 与隐案有关的人、物、事线索 D. 与预期违法有关的人、物、事线索 [判断题]绳索下降和抛绳区域内,绳索系统受力点的连接处、紧绷绳的弯角处严禁站人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]单相有功电能表的常用接线,正确接线方式通常有(____)的接线方式。
A.一进一出 B.一进二出 C.二进二出 D.二进一出 [多项选择]从外表形式上看,统计表的组成部分有______
A. 纵栏标题 B. 横行标题 C. 计算公式 D. 总标题 E. 指标数值 我来回答: 提交